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Your Weekly Astrology Overview: February 17-23, 2020

Greetings Earthlings, There is not a lot on the docket this week, but Moon energy is going to delight you. As you come out of Valentine’s week you may be feeling a little more romantic than usual. This can be caused by some Pisces energy that is available to us

Monthly Astrology Transits: March 2020

Welcome to your Monthly Astrology Transits Overview for March 2020! Below are the transits that you can look forward to in March broken down by which transit occurs on each day. Find out the exact dates of the New Moon, the Full Moon, and every transit in between so you’ll

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: February 10-16, 2020

Greetings Earthlings, Last week was wild, so we’re grateful for the overall a quiet week ahead in the Universe with no major transits ahead to report. But you are in for a Valentine’s Day week, and this may have you very excited about the week ahead, one way or another.

How Venus Placements Affect the Way We Love

While astrology is traditionally focused on the major planet placements, such as the Moon and Sun, your Venus placement can explain a lot about the way you love. Venus rules over both the signs Libra and Taurus, and as such, is associated with love and money, albeit in a complex,

Aquarius Woman Personality Traits & Characteristics

The Aquarius woman personality is a force that is never controlled by others. Born January 22 to February 18, Aquarius women are bold leaders with friendly dispositions. The Aquarius female can handle being around people pretty much all the time and makes friends wherever she goes. She’s an excellent listener

Aquarius Man Personality Traits & Characteristics

Highly intellectual, quirky, and independent, men born under the Aquarius sign are often the black sheep of their worlds. Interested in global affairs, caring for the less fortunate, and understanding how the world works (if not the entire Universe), Aquarius men are friendly, like to discuss politics and culture, and

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: February 3-9, 2020

Greetings Earthlings, We are coming off of a fairly easy week from the stars, and this week’s forecast picks up some energy a little bit. You come into this week preparing to welcome new Pisces energy. Pisces is, of course, the Mutable sign of the Water signs, and a vessel

How Each Zodiac Sign Deals With Enemies

We all have those people in our lives with whom we just can’t see eye to eye. Some of these folks may be nothing more than a constant annoyance, sort of like a mosquito buzzing around your head, just out of your reach. When they become more than a pain

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: January 27 – February 2, 2020

Hello, Earthlings, The Universe is happy to keep you singing sweetly in your everyday affairs this week, and you may be seeing the results of new beginnings you manifested last week coming to fruition. That is what the New Moon does. It plants seeds and new beginnings grow in your

Chinese Zodiac 101: Breaking Down the Chinese Zodiac

Many people have heard of the Chinese Zodiac, but who out there knows the many little details that make up the breadth of this fascinating form of Eastern Astrology? The Chinese Zodiac consists of 12 animals, each of which rules a year. According to the year of your birth and

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