Search Results for: taurus horoscope – Page 63 Articles

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: August 19-25, 2019

Happy mid-August, friends! Can you believe that this week marks the two-thirds mark of this month? I can’t. Man, has this Summer just flown. After bracing ourselves for eclipse season, dealing with the fallout or lack thereof, and heading into August the Universe begins to slow down as we prepare

Sister Sign Compatibility: Can Opposites Really Attract?

​It’s a saying we’ve all heard, “opposites attract.” As a popular trope in television and movies, it mostly serves to highlight the superficial comedic difference between two larger than life characters; however, we all know that in our interpersonal lives, having somebody with different traits, morals and ways of thinking

Understanding Yin & Yang: A Philosophy of Balance

Yin and Yang are terms that many people have undoubtedly heard before, but how many of us know their true meaning or what these two words mean? What is the Philosophy of Yin & Yang? In a nutshell, Yin and Yang is the belief that all things contradict one another

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: August 12-18, 2019

Hello, Earthlings! We are heading into the second week of August with a flurry of renewed energy and excitement. The last of the eclipse cycle is finally out of our system, and now we must simply cope with the changes (or embrace them, depending on how you look at life).

Jupiter In Sagittarius: Wealth is Upon Us

The sign of Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, the benevolent planet of expansion that brings opportunity and fortune. Jupiter entered Sagittarius in November of 2018 and has been in retrograde since April of this year. While a Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius is not the most difficult transit, we

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: August 5-11, 2019

Happy August, friends! If you have made it this far in the Summer and still feeling optimistic about what is to come, gives your Higher Self a gold star and a pat on the back. It’s time to treat yourself for a job well done. We’re just coming out of

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: July 29 – August 4, 2019

It’s time to say farewell to July, and this week we have many transits to help us do so. It’s impossible to believe that we are officially at the halfway point of the laziest Summer months of the year already. We hope that you have been having a safe, happy,

The Masculine & Feminine in Astrology

Understanding the masculine and feminine energies in astrology can help us see much more clearly how the planets affect us and having this insight will help us better understand people. When we know the introverted (feminine) and extroverted (masculine) signs, we can better understand the birth chart as well as

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: July 22-28, 2019

Hello, friends! Happy post-eclipse cycle! If you’ve made it this far in July relatively unscathed emotionally, give yourself a big gold star and a pat on the back. And if you are still dealing with some post-eclipse emotional energy, then know that this too shall soon pass. We’ve just come

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: July 15-21, 2019

It’s a Full Moon week, friends! We have one more intense week from the Universe before the dust begins to settle down for the Summer. This week’s intensity is a little more strenuous on your emotional workout than others have been. We’ve been forecasting an intensely emotional July due to

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