Search Results for: taurus horoscope – Page 65 Articles

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: May 13-19th, 2019

Hello friends! We are one week further into Spring and one week closer to the lazy hazy days of Summer, and we can all feel this inspired freshness in the air. That’s the scent of Spring blossoms, along with the fiery spark of inspiration that was ushered in under Aries

Fire & Desire: Exploring Venus Through Your Birth Chart

It’s time to go deep when it comes to the game of love, friends! Going deep and exploring why you love the way you love is what understanding Venus is all about. As we know, every planet in the solar system has a set of themes and qualities attached to

The Best Mother’s Day Gift for Mom, Based on Her Zodiac Sign

Mother’s Day is coming up, and many of us might be stressing over what to get our mothers to adequately show our appreciation. After all, what do you get for the person who gave you life? Sometimes it seems like no gift will be good enough, especially for those who

Which Marvel Superhero Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Finding your own superpower is much easier when you know your zodiac sign! While you may not have the same superpowers as Marvel’s Avengers, your biggest talents are revealed through both the element and the traits of your Sun sign. Learning about your special abilities can be more fun when

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: May 6-12, 2019

Hello friends! It’s an exciting week from the Universe’s perspective with very little astrological weather on the docket to report. Last week left us manifesting but now, for the most part, it’s a nice and quiet week from Universe, and this gives you a chance to sit back and soak

Are You On the Cusp? Must-Know Facts About Zodiac Cusps

When it comes to astrology, the most common sign we tend to focus on is the Sun or star sign – this is the sign that you typically identify with based on your birthday, although your astrological chart is actually comprised of multiple signs that rest with the 12 houses

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: April 29 – May 5, 2019

Happy May, everyone! We are well into Spring, and are coming out of a fairly quiet week from the Universe. This week we have a few transits in the forecast that are going to help you nurture those spiritual seeds that you’ve been planting. You want to start to see

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: April 22-28, 2019

Hello, friends! We are officially into the second month of Spring this week. After an energetic Aries season, the Sun will leave Cardinal Fire sign Aries and move into the Fixed sign of the Earth signs, Taurus. Where Aries fire breathes life into new projects, Taurus puts the work in

Your Weekly Astrology Overview April 15-21, 2019

​Are you ready for some magic? This week is a magical week from the Universe. After the calm and serenity of last week, this week the Universe is switching gears to kick things up a notch for you. We have the Sun changing signs, and a Full Moon arriving at

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