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Mercury in Scorpio 3-Card Tarot Spread

All hail the season of Libra – a time for justice, fairness, equality, beauty, and rearranging our lives and surroundings into harmonious balance. It’s time to ditch the misgivings, doubts, and boat-rocking and instead harness the potent powers of Libra which give us the opportunity to look beyond the cloudiness

Tarot Card Meanings Made Simple: Each Major Arcana Card Explained

It seems there is a growing interest in tarot and tarot card meanings these days as the mysterious underground arts are coming into mainstream society. Before you get a tarot reading, it’s good to understand what the tarot can offer you and how helpful it can be. Learning tarot is

angel numbers

Your Essential Angel Numbers Cheat Sheet

Have you ever been scrolling through your social media feed only to notice your phone clock sitting pretty at 11:11? And then maybe you’re driving to work and noticing that a license plate in front of you is sporting the same set of numbers. Or that later that day, a

virgo season

The Most Practical Zodiac Season is Arriving – Here’s What You Need to Know

From August 22nd to September 22nd, the Sun will be dancing in the sign of responsible Virgo. It’s your time to shine and the best time of the year to celebrate your unique personality! After moving through the fiery sign of Leo, we’re ready to experience the grounded, hard-working, and

Virgo 101 – Explore the Qualities of the 6th Zodiac Sign

We talk a lot about the qualities and characteristics typical of the sign of Virgo, but how much do you know about the 6th sign of the zodiac? How do we know what information to consider when we are talking about the sign of the Virgin? What are some of

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