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7 Lucky Crystals for Aries Season

The crystals for Aries that follow are not purely exclusive to those born under the ram’s dynamic sign but are highly beneficial to all of us. Aries energy dominates the month of April, so it’s best to be prepared! Whether you are a crystal enthusiast or just reaching out into

two women with afros in colorful clothing standing against a red backdrop wearing sunglasses smiling boldly

Prepare for Aries Season With These 7 Important Tips

Are you ready for some seriously passionate, inspiring, and motivating energy? We hope so because Aries season is just around the corner. Aries season also marks the beginning of the new astrological year! Each time the Sun moves into a new sign, we experience a month of new energy and

smiling redheaded woman in a striped shirt and blue overalls holding two red hearts up against a blue background

THESE 6 Zodiac Signs Are the Most Flirtatious

In astrology, each zodiac sign is associated with certain personality traits and characteristics. These traits can include a person’s communication style, emotional expression, and approach to relationships, which can all affect how they flirt. Astrology can be used to understand better and navigate interpersonal relationships, including romantic and flirtatious ones.

mercury enters aries

Mercury in Aries is About to Help You Take Action & Reach Your Goals

Have you been waiting for your time to shine? Has brain fog and mental fatigue been weighing you down and causing you to lose focus? If you answered yes to either of these questions, this article is for you because we’re here today to talk about the magic that happens

woman floating in a large pool of water

Your Essential Guide to the Water Signs of the Zodiac

Who would want to, or could possibly, live a life without water? Water is essential for survival, and it’s one of the most beautiful and necessary gifts that we have on this abundant globe. In astrology, like in life, water is an essential component. Each zodiac sign in astrology is

synastry reading article

How to Uncover Your Perfect Soulmate With a Synastry Chart Reading

Astrology is a tool that can help us navigate so many different aspects and facets of life, and love is no exception. We’re all curious about love and relationships, and today we’re going to explore the concept of the synastry chart in astrology and how it can help us discover

pisces birth chart

Do You Have Pisces in Your Birth Chart?

Last but certainly not least of the zodiac, sweet and sensitive Pisces is not a sign you’ll want to overlook in your birth chart. That’s right: even if you haven’t related to any qualities of the psychic and compassionate sign of the fish before, you may be closer to this

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