Search Results for: traits – Page 14 Articles

mars and venus in aquarius article

EVERYTHING You Need to Know About Mars & Venus Moving Into Aquarius

Planets Venus and Mars are on the move to the same sign, Aquarius, with Venus entering Aquarius on February 16th and Mars entering three days earlier on February 13th, 2024. We’ve already got the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto in this sign, so we’ve got some supercharged Aquarius energy going on!

Are YOU One of the Zodiac Signs With the Highest Sex Drive?

Could the cosmos explain your sex drive? While everyone’s libido is unique to them, the stars and planets can partially explain why you might have a low or high sex drive. In turn, unveiling this trait can help you determine how you and your partner match up (or how you

pair of hands holding a piggybank

How to Make Money in 2024, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Have you ever felt like you were in the wrong job? Maybe you took a job to learn a specific skill. Or, maybe it was simply to pay the bills (that’s a reality in life that doesn’t need a spiritual purpose). At any rate, if you have ever found yourself

Your Holiday Party Personality, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

We all love those holiday party movies where the right combination of personalities makes for some hilarious antics and memories. Imagine your zodiac sign as a character in one of those ensemble cast films. Who would be the Gossip, the Party Animal, or the Nursemaid? With holiday events in full

Your Biggest Pet Peeve, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

We all have flaws or habits that can grate on the nerves of others. Likewise, no matter how evolved or spiritually aligned you are, there’s a good chance that you have a pet peeve or two. Does your partner, best friend, or family member have a certain habit that just

What You Need to Know About this Week’s Full Moon

Whether you’ve already been having an emotional and spiritually potent year or not, the Full Moon in Pisces is ready to bring those themes to the forefront here and now. The Full Moon represents the completion of a lunar cycle, and it always focuses on bringing to fruition those things

man and woman sharing a kiss in front of the ocean

Your Essential Mars in Libra 2023 Horoscopes

When you think of Mars, a few key phrases might come to mind: Aggression, ambition, motivation, and passion, just to name a few. But did you know that Mars, like each planet in astrology, takes on the qualities of whatever sign it happens to be passing through at any particular

brunette woman in a white dress floating in water on her back

THIS Transit is Bringing Love & Romance

When we see that a planet will be going retrograde soon in our astrology calendar, it is common to feel a sense of foreboding. But there’s no need to worry about the word “retrograde.” Yes, Mercury retrograde gets a bad rep, but when Venus goes retrograde, it is actually a

brunette woman in an orange suit standing in front of a lake with two other women in suits on either side of her

Embrace the Details When Mars Enters Virgo

Get ready for some grounded and reliable energy when Mars enters Virgo on July 10th, 2023. When Mars moves out of the fiery and passionate Leo, things slow down a little, and we have time to think about the whirlwind time we’ve had. You may have experienced a passionate romance,

man with colourful eyeshadow smiling boldly with flowers around his face

Are you Going Through a Spiritual Awakening? Keep Sane With These 4 Hacks

You may have heard lately of a spiritual or Kundalini awakening. Is it all hype? Is there any truth to the woo-woo talk? And most importantly, are you experiencing one? If you’ve stopped here, chances are you’re looking for answers to sudden life changes that have caused an upheaval of

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