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woman in yellow dress and black boots against a bright red background holding out her hand

THESE Planets are in Taurus Right Now – Here’s What That Means

We’re currently in Taurus season, and we’re under a lot of Taurus energy at the moment. Mercury retrograde ends tomorrow, Jupiter enters Taurus in three days, and we have a New Moon in Taurus in six days. This can be pleasant energy after all of the high energy, thanks to

pair of hands shuffling blue tarot cards

Your Weekly Tarotscope for May 8 – 14, 2023

You may not be ready to believe that we’re nearing the midway through May, but this week is undoubtedly ready for you. We’ve been dealing with the effects of Mercury retrograde in Taurus for a hot minute, but this week we’re closing things out with this communicative celestial body going

woman with long black hair and glasses staring ahead in question

These 6 Zodiac Signs Are the Smartest

Each zodiac sign is unique in its own way. From sexual appeal and attractiveness to adventurousness and openness, there are various traits across all zodiac signs. While each zodiac sign has strengths and weaknesses, when it comes to intellect, there are a few that are smarter than the rest. So,

5 Tips to Survive the Full Moon in Libra

This Full Moon in Libra is eclectic, social, and a bit magical – ushering in the culmination of energies we’ve accumulated over the past month. That sense of release and relief takes some pressure off of your spirit, allowing you to spread your wings and encouraging your most genuine self

brunette woman holding a finger up to her lips against a pink background

Your Guilty Pleasure, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

You probably know the traits and qualities associated with your zodiac sign. You probably read about them every day if you check your daily horoscope! We all have our good and shadow sides to show to the world, but what about what we do when we think no one is

THIS Powerful New Moon Will Help You Manifest Exactly What You Want

Is there a more enthusiastic, exciting time than the New Moon in Aries? This is a transit that amplifies and personifies the meaning of a “new start,” giving you a blank canvas from which to work. It’s a transit that brings the spring miracles you’ve been waiting for – whether

full moon in a purple and blue starry sky

What Does the Moon in Virgo Mean for Each Zodiac Sign?

When the Moon is in Virgo, it represents a time of organization, attention to detail, and practicality. The energy of the Virgo Moon is focused on improving, analyzing, and perfecting. This is a great time to focus on health and wellness and work on projects requiring attention to detail. The

A couple in denim shirts stand next to each other, looking away with consternated expressions on their faces.

These are the WORST Zodiac Love Matches

Ah, love! Inevitably, some zodiac signs are more compatible with one another than others. Looking at how your zodiac signs measure up can help you determine if this love is meant to last. While it might not tell you the whole story, it can definitely offer a foundational starting point,

bright, yellow full moon against a dark blue starry sky with clouds

What Does the Moon in Leo Mean?

In astrology, the importance of the Moon and its effect on our earthly world down here cannot be understated. Did you know that the Moon’s energetic pull is strong enough to affect the ocean’s tides and even the success of your home garden? It should come as no surprise then

10 Things You NEED to Include in Your Monthly Full Moon Ritual

A Full Moon is a magical, mystical period that helps you uncover hidden emotions and understand your deepest desires. This mystical energy is a gift we receive each month as the Moon ends her lunar cycle, and each time this transit reflects the energy of the zodiac sign that the

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