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Aquarius Woman Personality Traits & Characteristics

The Aquarius woman personality is a force that is never controlled by others. Born January 22 to February 18, Aquarius women are bold leaders with friendly dispositions. The Aquarius female can handle being around people pretty much all the time and makes friends wherever she goes. She’s an excellent listener

Aquarius Man Personality Traits & Characteristics

Highly intellectual, quirky, and independent, men born under the Aquarius sign are often the black sheep of their worlds. Interested in global affairs, caring for the less fortunate, and understanding how the world works (if not the entire Universe), Aquarius men are friendly, like to discuss politics and culture, and

Scorpio Woman: Personality Traits & Characteristics of the Female Scorpio

Scorpio is famous for being the most intense sign of the zodiac. A Scorpio woman in astrology has mysterious eyes and an intense gaze. This Water sign likes to go all-in when they are interested in something (or someone) and the only thing as deep as their interest level is

Scorpio Man: Personality Traits & Characteristics of the Male Scorpio

There’s nothing quite as mysterious and intriguing as the Scorpio sign in astrology. The Scorpio man is vampiric in nature, reclusive, passionate, and compared to most, wild. This man may seem to be out for himself, but that is only because he is fiercely dedicated to his small wolf pack

Libra Woman: Personality Traits & Characteristics of the Female Libra

Let us paint a picture of the quintessential Libra woman: She’s a free spirit who abhors isolation and loves creative expression. She is likely to be very involved in the community, attending every charity event or town meeting, and also supportive of those struggling to get back on their feet.

Libra Man: Personality Traits & Characteristics of the Male Libra

The first thing most people notice about a Libra sign is that they are not like everyone else. The friendly and charming personality of a Libra man is a part of what makes him stand out from others and a big part of what makes it so enjoyable to be

Virgo Woman: Personality Traits & Characteristics of the Female Virgo

Whoever said brains can’t be sexy definitely wasn’t talking about the Virgo zodiac sign. With an excellent work ethic and meticulous attention to detail, Virgos are more action than talk, and they’re happy to let their work speak for itself than to boast or go fishing for compliments. Deeply creative

Virgo Man: Personality Traits & Characteristics of the Male Virgo

Intelligent and methodical, the male Virgo sign is constantly organizing his thoughts, emotions and the chaos of the world around him, all in an attempt to give order and sense to everything. Indeed, a Virgo is often his best when he can completely focus on the task at hand. He

Leo Woman: Personality Traits & Characteristics of the Female Leo

Like their male counterparts, a Leo woman is bold, confident and expressive, if at times theatrical and stubborn. Their passion and positivity can also be infectious, and a Leo woman is often the center of attention and star of any social gathering with their high emotional and social intelligence. This

Leo Man: Personality Traits & Characteristics of the Male Leo

Represented by the lion, a Leo man is confident and knows what he wants. But like Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius, the Leo sign is a Fixed sign. That means he can come off as stubborn or resistant to change. The good thing is that his upbeat attitude is great in

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