Search Results for: uranus in 7th house – Page 5 Articles

How to Get an Astrology Reading When You Don’t Know Your Birth Time

As you become interested in astrology, at some point you may think you’d love to get an astrology reading with a professional astrologer. You reach out, excited as can be, ready to learn more about yourself and your birth chart, only to find that since you don’t have a birth

Earth & Air: The Capricorn/Aquarius Cusp

If you were born anywhere between January 17th and January 23rd, you may have a hard time fully identifying with your Sun sign, whether it happens to be Capricorn or Aquarius. The reason for this is because you were born during the few days a month that are thought by

Ultimate Guide to the Nodes

There are many different parts to a natal chart governing every facet of your life in astrology. You may get started focusing on things like which of the astrology signs your Sun or Moon fall in, or love and money, but most of us quickly start to ask if astrology

Mercury Direct in Cancer: Homeward Bound

We started one of the auspicious Mercury retrograde periods on July 7th, and the good news is, it ends on August 1st, 2019, in the Water sign of Cancer! Connected with the fourth house of roots and foundations, Cancer is the sign of home, family, nurturing and oh yes baking,

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: June 24-30, 2019

We’ve arrived at the last week of June, Earthlings! Can you believe we are already in the last week of June 2019? Enjoy this lovely last week of June blossoms, friends; the Universe has given us a fairly fun and quiet week to enjoy it in. We are just coming

Mars Enters Aquarius – Where Dreams & Passions Collide by the Zodiac Sign

It’s time to start thinking of some dreams again! Just when things in life started to feel a little draggy, thanks Saturn, energy picks up steam again. We’ve had multiple planets in retrograde status over the Summer months, and life has been slow moving in all directions. Or at least

The Basics of Reading Birth Charts

If you want to understand the secrets of the stars, you start with your birth chart. Most people never get to see inside the time capsule of their birth chart, which spells out an individual’s inner-most desires, talents, and communication style to a T. Consider yourself lucky to have had

Looking to Boost Your Income? Let Astrology Help

Are you stuck in a financial rut? Does it seem like your income could use a little boost? Just checking your bank account can be quite stress-inducing when you already feel broke. But don’t let a momentary drought of cash flow discourage you, as there are myriad ways to turn

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