Search Results for: year of the horse – Page 8 Articles

New Moon in Capricorn 4-Card Tarot Spread

Hold on to your horses as this December we can anticipate a New Moon in Capricorn! Actually, perhaps the term “hold on” is incorrect. A more appropriate term would be “slow down.” Capricorn is the sign of slowing down, grounding oneself and utilizing responsibility. It is known as the most

The Best Essential Oil for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

The power of essential oils is quite something. Fragrances can be used to soothe us in many ways: add it to a carrier oil or water in an oil burner, a few drops in the bathtub mixed with a carrier oil or even sniff it straight from the bottle. There

Halloween Costume Inspiration, Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

We’re about to move into spook season, and with it comes all kinds of weird and wonderful things – including Halloween costumes! You may be agonizing over which costume to wear for Halloween this year, or considering whether you will dress up at all! Agonize no more. As with many

What’s Your Feng Shui Style, Based on Your Chinese Horoscope?

You can learn an awful lot about yourself from your Chinese Zodiac sign. For example, you can discover which crystals work best for you based on your Chinese Zodiac or, even better, which era you belong in depending on which animal you are in Chinese astrology. (If you’ve ever felt

The Luckiest Crystals for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

​Are you a Rabbit who enjoys the finer things in life and detests conflict in all forms? Are you a Snake who enjoys a good philosophical debate and is typically slow to anger? Are you a Tiger who is brave and tough on the outside, but warm and fuzzy on

What Era Do You Belong In, Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign?

It’s the Year of the Pig right now, and on January 25th, 2020, we will be moving into the Year of the Rat. Each year brings new adventures, new challenges and new lessons, and this is something inescapable in the future as we move through the great school of life.

Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility: Elements, Animals & Polarities

It can be fun and very insightful to compare your compatibility using the different astrological systems. The Chinese Zodiac is divided into 12 animals and 5 elements (Western astrology only includes four elements). It’s exciting to test your love life compatibility with different systems because you can see the common

The Masculine & Feminine in Astrology

Understanding the masculine and feminine energies in astrology can help us see much more clearly how the planets affect us and having this insight will help us better understand people. When we know the introverted (feminine) and extroverted (masculine) signs, we can better understand the birth chart as well as

A Cup of Tea for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

We all love a good cup of tea (and if you don’t, you clearly haven’t found the right tea yet). Tea drinking has been a staple in the human diet for a very long time; even wars have been started over tea! A fresh brew in the morning is one

The Bull’s Tarot: Tarot Cards That Represent Taurus

Did you know that every sign of the zodiac is represented by a card from both the Major and Minor Arcana in the Tarot? We’re in the heart of Taurus season, so it’s the perfect time to ask which Tarot card does astrological sign, Taurus, correspond with? Let’s take a

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