Search Results for: year of the ox – Page 30 Articles

Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility: Elements, Animals & Polarities

It can be fun and very insightful to compare your compatibility using the different astrological systems. The Chinese Zodiac is divided into 12 animals and 5 elements (Western astrology only includes four elements). It’s exciting to test your love life compatibility with different systems because you can see the common

Which Signature Cocktail Best Represents Your Zodiac Sign?

​Fads come and go in all facets of life, and cocktail menus are no different than hairstyles or fashion. While it’s fun to peruse feature drinks at your local watering hole, there’s something to be said for ordering a time-honored classic cocktail – we’re talking about the kind of libation

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: August 5-11, 2019

Happy August, friends! If you have made it this far in the Summer and still feeling optimistic about what is to come, gives your Higher Self a gold star and a pat on the back. It’s time to treat yourself for a job well done. We’re just coming out of

Uranus in Your Birth Chart – Innovation, Originality & Rebellion

​Uranus represents rebellion, independence, genius and thinking outside of the box. His archetype is related with liberation and deconditioning from old patterns, so it’s no coincidence that Uranus rules the quirky sign of Aquarius, for with it comes significant change, innovation and many surprises. What’s the difference? Each of the

The Masculine & Feminine in Astrology

Understanding the masculine and feminine energies in astrology can help us see much more clearly how the planets affect us and having this insight will help us better understand people. When we know the introverted (feminine) and extroverted (masculine) signs, we can better understand the birth chart as well as

I Kept a Dream Journal for 30 Days – This is What I Learned

My dreams have both intrigued and frightened me over the years. From a young age, I was made aware that my grandmother on my father’s side often had dreams that came true, a little bit like predictions or visions. Eventually, this began to happen to me, too. For example, a

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: June 17-23, 2019

Happy Summer, Sunshines! After last week’s chaos, we have a nice quiet week from the Universe, with few transits to report. And the transits that are in play this week are exciting ones! It’s a week where the opportunity and potential for closed chapters arrives, and the promise of new

A Cup of Tea for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

We all love a good cup of tea (and if you don’t, you clearly haven’t found the right tea yet). Tea drinking has been a staple in the human diet for a very long time; even wars have been started over tea! A fresh brew in the morning is one

Mastering Reiki: The Difference Between Reiki Levels

Whether or not you’re brand new to Reiki and energy healing, many people are unfamiliar with the different levels in Reiki mastery. If you’re thinking about getting a Reiki healing treatment or perhaps you’d like to start learning to provide Reiki for others, you will need to know the 3

The Bull’s Tarot: Tarot Cards That Represent Taurus

Did you know that every sign of the zodiac is represented by a card from both the Major and Minor Arcana in the Tarot? We’re in the heart of Taurus season, so it’s the perfect time to ask which Tarot card does astrological sign, Taurus, correspond with? Let’s take a

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