Search Results for: year of the ox – Page 33 Articles

Your Beginner’s Guide to Using Your Chakra Pendulum

There are a number of ways that we can receive answers from beyond or just answers in general! Astrology is a powerful divination tool that can show us potential in a weather forecast through daily horoscopes, weekly horoscopes, and other useful tools. Numerology readings help as well, and so do

Twin Flame Signs: 11 Ways to Know You’ve Met Your Match

The concept of twin flame signs explains why we feel such an intense bond with certain people. It’s if our senses are heightened when we are around our twin flame. Twin flame signs typically have a more intense relationship than soul mates do, but a twin flame doesn’t necessarily refer

March Madness! Prepare for Mercury Retrograde in Pisces

It’s time for another Mercury retrograde. What does this mean for you? Well, it’s not all gloom and doom, quite the opposite actually! Mercury retrograde is a time to do things differently and prepare yourself to pursue your goals full-steam ahead with more clarity once the speedy little planet of

How Are the Planets Connected to Our Zodiac Signs?

The planets in the solar system are connected to each zodiac sign in a profound way. When we’re trying to understand our personality traits, we can look to a birth chart, which takes the exact date, time and location of your birth into account, as well as the transits and

Beneficial Thought: Venus in Aquarius in Love – Let Your Freak Flag Fly

What happens when the planet of attraction and true love enters the zodiac sign of equality, light working, and technology foresight? The amazing out of this world is what happens, also known as Venus entering Aquarius. Venus focuses on what we idealize and pulls it in like a tractor beam.

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: February 25 – March 3, 2019

Happy end of February, friends! It’s the last week of February 2019! Where does the time go? Hard to believe we are just wrapping up the second month of the year. It feels like yesterday we were scurrying with the holiday bustle and wrapping up some new New Year’s resolutions.

A Cup of Tea for Each Zodiac Sign

Did you know that tea is the second most popular drink in the world? Falling right behind water, tea has been brewed and consumed by a variety of cultures for thousands of years. There are a plethora of flavors, herbs, spices, and blends from which to choose when it comes

Netflix Shows & Movies for Aquarius to Binge this Month

Celebrating another journey around the Sun this month are our Aquarian friends! Happy Solar Return, Aquarius! Instead of spending your birthday out at a bar or eating mountains of cake, why not have your closest friends over and find some time to just hang out in your imagination so that

Let Your Tarot Determine Your V-Day-Date

If you feel overwhelmed trying to choose the perfect date for Valentine’s Day, we have good news for you: you can use a love Tarot reading for that! Sometimes a new relationship can make it hard to figure out just what to do, and no doubt, finding something that will

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: February 4-10th, 2019

Greetings, Earthlings! We have a fun week ahead from Universe with not too many upsets expected. It’s overall a quiet week, starting out with a lovely New Moon in Aquarius on Monday. With Aquarius getting so much love this week from the New Moon, the Sun, and Mercury, you can

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