Search Results for: year of the ox – Page 9 Articles

Your Essential April 2024 Energy Forecast

Welcome to a brand-new month, lovelies! Yes, that is right, April is here, and the temperature is rising, trees are budding, flowers are sprouting, quantum leaps are leaping, and eclipse season is taking us by the edge of our seats. April bursts forth with high vibrational showers of creative sparks

Your March 2024 Energy Forecast

Welcome to a brand-new month, lovelies! Can you believe it’s already March? The quantum energy of 2024 is breaking down the barriers of time and space as we know it. March bursts forth with vibrant pink and yellow sunsets, orange sunrises, and a sense of renewal as we step into

pair of hands holding up three blue tarot cards

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for January 22nd – 28th, 2024

Before you could even blink, we’re already more than midway through the first month of 2024 — and more changes are still coming, so don’t hold your breath just yet. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will move into grounded and secure Capricorn on the 23rd. Approaching your relationships

Your Holiday Party Personality, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

We all love those holiday party movies where the right combination of personalities makes for some hilarious antics and memories. Imagine your zodiac sign as a character in one of those ensemble cast films. Who would be the Gossip, the Party Animal, or the Nursemaid? With holiday events in full

blue tarot cards spread on a white table covered in candles

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for October 30 – November 5, 2023

Perhaps the spookiest week of the year is here, but how do we ensure that it’s all treat and no trick? Amidst the brooding, deep, and intense Scorpio season, we’ll celebrate Halloween or Samhain (depending on your practices and beliefs) at the beginning of this week. Afterward, we’ll enter the

brunette person dancing in a gold outfit adorned with gold jewellery

EVERYTHING You Need to Know About the Upcoming New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

On October 14th, 2023, we’ll experience a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra! We’re finishing up the Taurus and Scorpio set of eclipses and moving into Aries and Libra. We already had an Aries Solar Eclipse earlier this year, so now it’s Libra’s turn. A New Moon occurs when

image of the number 1

Everything You Need to Know About the Number 1 in Numerology

Numerology is the study of numbers. Every number from 1-9 and the Master numbers 11 and 22 have certain qualities that make them unique. In order to better understand numerology, you really need to get to know the energy, personality, and vibe of each individual number before they can be

man standing against a backdrop of a purple starry night with a telescope

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: September 18 – 24, 2023

How would you feel about a week filled with balanced, goal-oriented energy? Then, you’ll want to read on to learn all about what astrological energy is headed your way! As we glide through the celestial dance of the cosmos, September 22nd marks a pivotal moment with the arrival of the

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