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Your Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide by Chinese Zodiac Sign

The season of giving is upon us! Prepare for scrumptious food, honorary traditions, family and friends, charitable endeavors, and, of course, presents! The thing with presents, though, is that they can be one of the trickiest aspects of the holiday season. What do you get Uncle Bob, who complains every

The Chinese Zodiac First Trine & Love Compatibility

So when it comes to love, what can your Chinese Zodiac sign tell you? It’s all about the trines! Well, maybe not “all” but definitely a fair amount. Like Western Astrology, Chinese Astrology is a many-layered and complex thing. But also like Western Astrology, certain signs tend to be more

How Your Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Show You Your Dream Career

We can learn a lot about ourselves from knowing our Chinese zodiac sign. Chinese astrology, similar to Western astrology, bestow us with a special sign according to our unique birth date. Unlike Western astrology, Chinese astrology goes by year, not month, and each sign is an animal that encompasses its

Guide to the Elements of Chinese Astrology

You may be familiar with the element of your Sun sign according to Western astrology, but do you know the element of your Chinese zodiac sign? This can reveal a layer of your personality which offers you more room for improvement as well as hidden skills you can capitalize on.

How You Deal With Change, Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

How much do you know about your Chinese Zodiac sign? Perhaps as a Rat you know that you are witty and ambitious? Perhaps as a Rabbit you know that you are gentle and accommodating? Maybe as a Snake you know that you are philosophical and refined? However, there is much

How To Deal With Each Chinese Zodiac Sign in the Workplace

Has your workplace ever felt like a zoo? Well, if you think of yourself and your coworkers as your Chinese Zodiac signs, you can actually learn to understand everyone’s unique work style and improve your relationships – inside and outside the office. Each sign has their own unique set of

Which Planet Rules Your Chinese Zodiac Sign?

We know the planets in Western Astrology each rule one of the 12 signs in the zodiac, but which planets rule each sign in the Chinese Zodiac? To find this out, we need to look at the Western counterpart to each Chinese Zodiac sign. The Chinese Zodiac, just like the

Chinese Zodiac 101: Breaking Down the Chinese Zodiac

Many people have heard of the Chinese Zodiac, but who out there knows the many little details that make up the breadth of this fascinating form of Eastern Astrology? The Chinese Zodiac consists of 12 animals, each of which rules a year. According to the year of your birth and

The Luckiest Crystals for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

​Are you a Rabbit who enjoys the finer things in life and detests conflict in all forms? Are you a Snake who enjoys a good philosophical debate and is typically slow to anger? Are you a Tiger who is brave and tough on the outside, but warm and fuzzy on

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