Search Results for: year of the snake years – Page 4 Articles

The Best & Worst Characteristics of Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

The thing about the Chinese Zodiac is that there is always so much to discover, so no matter how much you read up on it, you always end up learning something new! For example, you might know that you are a mild, peaceful Rabbit, but maybe you didn’t know that

The Best Divination Tool for You, Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

Have you ever wondered what the best divination tool is for your Chinese Zodiac sign? Perhaps not, but it is a fascinating topic and one which can undoubtedly help you, depending on what sign you are! Divination is a method of predicting the future. It is not for answering questions

How Your Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Show You Your Dream Career

We can learn a lot about ourselves from knowing our Chinese zodiac sign. Chinese astrology, similar to Western astrology, bestow us with a special sign according to our unique birth date. Unlike Western astrology, Chinese astrology goes by year, not month, and each sign is an animal that encompasses its

How You Deal With Change, Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

How much do you know about your Chinese Zodiac sign? Perhaps as a Rat you know that you are witty and ambitious? Perhaps as a Rabbit you know that you are gentle and accommodating? Maybe as a Snake you know that you are philosophical and refined? However, there is much

Which Planet Rules Your Chinese Zodiac Sign?

We know the planets in Western Astrology each rule one of the 12 signs in the zodiac, but which planets rule each sign in the Chinese Zodiac? To find this out, we need to look at the Western counterpart to each Chinese Zodiac sign. The Chinese Zodiac, just like the

Chinese Zodiac Signs & Their Western Equivalent Signs

Did you know that each of the Chinese Zodiac signs has a Western Zodiac equivalent? Both East and West Zodiac have 12 signs, but they have their own differences. The Western Zodiac is based on star signs from the constellations. The Eastern Zodiac is based on a legend where twelve

What’s Your Feng Shui Style, Based on Your Chinese Horoscope?

You can learn an awful lot about yourself from your Chinese Zodiac sign. For example, you can discover which crystals work best for you based on your Chinese Zodiac or, even better, which era you belong in depending on which animal you are in Chinese astrology. (If you’ve ever felt

The Luckiest Crystals for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

​Are you a Rabbit who enjoys the finer things in life and detests conflict in all forms? Are you a Snake who enjoys a good philosophical debate and is typically slow to anger? Are you a Tiger who is brave and tough on the outside, but warm and fuzzy on

Ophiuchus: What We Can Learn From the Serpent Bearer

​There was a time, not so long ago, that some people in the astrological community were up in arms, concerned that a 13th sign had changed our zodiac lives forever. Many believed they were no longer a member of the sign they had for so long identified with. Fortunately, that

What Era Do You Belong In, Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign?

It’s the Year of the Pig right now, and on January 25th, 2020, we will be moving into the Year of the Rat. Each year brings new adventures, new challenges and new lessons, and this is something inescapable in the future as we move through the great school of life.

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