Search Results for: zodiac chart compatibility – Page 6 Articles

Love Astrology: Celebrity Horoscope Compatibility by the Zodiac Sign

Ah, there are quizzes all over the place you can take to tell you what celebrity will be your ideal mate. Did you know, you can have a look at this from an astrological perspective, too? Just for fun, let’s have a look at the sun signs and their celebrity

man kissing the forehead of a woman sitting on a couch

Everything You Need to Know About Love & Relationships With Capricorns

Each month, the Sun moves into a new sign, marking a new astrological season and bringing with it new themes, fresh energy, and a unique focus. These astrological seasons also influence our love lives, and as the Sun approaches the constellation of Capricorn, it’s time to explore this loyal sign


6 Revealing Questions to Discover If Your Soulmate Is Already in Your Life

There’s one desire in life that seems to be nearly universal, and that is the desire to finally meet and fall in love with your soulmate. After all, who doesn’t want that cinematic, life-altering romance that we see in the movies? Who wouldn’t want to meet the one person who

Sagittarius love compatibility

The BEST & WORST Love Matches for Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a Fire sign with an infectious spirit that charms and delights those they spend their time with. Their innate positivity spreads around them like wildfire, infusing their friends, family, and colleagues with an energetic sense of optimism and hope. If you’ve ever known a Sagittarius, you’re likely well

scorpio love compatibility

Are You Compatible With a Scorpio? Find Out As We Enter Scorpio Season

Since we’re approaching Scorpio season, it’s the perfect time to learn more about this sign and the astrological compatibility between Scorpios and everyone else under the Sun. After all, Scorpio is the sign most associated with sensuality and even sex, and these themes might be on your mind more in

Are You a Libra? Here Are Your BEST & WORST Love Matches

Libras are our fair-minded, everyone-should-get-along diplomats with hearts of gold and style to be envied. Libras are associated with the 7th house of partnerships in the astrological birth chart, so it’s no surprise that their main focus in life seems to be centered around getting along and creating meaningful partnerships.

The BEST & WORST Love Matches for Virgo

Virgo season is on its way, meaning it’s the best time of the year to celebrate our earthy, sensible, health-conscious Virgo friends – and the way they love us! Virgo is the hard-working, down-to-earth sixth sign of the astrological calendar, and when they say they’re going to get something done,

gleeful brunette woman in a black dress and red lipstick with her hands in the air surrounded by heart-shaped balloons and confetti

You Might Just Find Your Soulmate During THIS Important Transit

Love energy shifts as Venus moves into Virgo on August 4th, 2024! This sign rules the details, so Venus in Virgo can be a time to pay closer attention to your loved ones and your relationships, noticing the little things and seeing their true value. With Venus in Virgo, it’s

woman in a pink suit holding out a brightly decorated cake

This Upcoming Week is THE Week for Abundance & Wealth – Find Out Why

Prepare for the incoming Venus in Leo on the 11th, which brings vast opportunities with it! When Venus enters the Fixed Fire sign of Leo, we are more generous with our money, and, as such, this generosity is amplified by our ability to attract more. You know what they say—whatever

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