Search Results for: zodiac facts Articles

Are You On the Cusp? Must-Know Facts About Zodiac Cusps

When it comes to astrology, the most common sign we tend to focus on is the Sun or star sign – this is the sign that you typically identify with based on your birthday, although your astrological chart is actually comprised of multiple signs that rest with the 12 houses

Your Holiday Party Personality, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

We all love those holiday party movies where the right combination of personalities makes for some hilarious antics and memories. Imagine your zodiac sign as a character in one of those ensemble cast films. Who would be the Gossip, the Party Animal, or the Nursemaid? With holiday events in full

The Rooster of the Chinese Zodiac

Years: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029 Element: Metal Yin or Yang: Yin Lucky Colours: Gold, Yellow, Brown Lucky Numbers: 5, 7, 8 Crystal: Strawberry Quartz Flower: Gladiola Characteristics: Honest, Confident, Energetic, Opinionated The Legend of the Rooster Occupying the tenth sign of the Chinese zodiac is the

How to Win an Argument, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Have you ever noticed how some people go out of their way to avoid confrontation while others seem to get a kick out of stirring things up? Everyone responds to conflict in a different way. Some stand their ground and do everything they can to win the argument—even when they’re

10 Comforting Virgo Season Affirmations for Your Zodiac Sign

Love it or hate it, we’ve officially entered well into Virgo season, and the responses may be… mixed. Whether you’re anxious or feeling organized and motivated to get to work, there is no doubt a series of ups and downs to handling this September’s Virgo season and perhaps even a

The Best Superfood for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

​Have you ever wondered what the best superfood for your Chinese Zodiac sign is? You are in luck because this article will tell you the secrets of the best superfood for your Chinese Zodiac sign! Naturally, all of these superfoods are “from the Earth,” so to speak. The Chinese Zodiac

Your Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide by Chinese Zodiac Sign

The season of giving is upon us! Prepare for scrumptious food, honorary traditions, family and friends, charitable endeavors, and, of course, presents! The thing with presents, though, is that they can be one of the trickiest aspects of the holiday season. What do you get Uncle Bob, who complains every

The Benefits of Meditation & The Best Meditation for Your Zodiac Sign

While we tend to focus on topics like astrology, numerology, and the Tarot at Astrology Answers, today we’re going to switch gears a bit and focus on a little thing called meditation. Maybe you’ve tried meditation before and given up a few minutes in, or maybe the process has always

The Essential Facts of the Virgo/Libra Cusp

Were you born between September 19 and 25? Do you often feel torn between the horoscope section, vacillating between Virgo and Libra? You may be a Virgo/Libra cusp, a unique blend of the two signs with its own set of personality traits and aspects. While being born on the cusp

Your Zodiac Sign’s Shadow & Light Sides – and How to Navigate Them

Everything has a balance. Good can’t exist without bad, life can’t exist without death, and light can’t exist without darkness. Is it surprising then that this is also true for the twelve zodiac signs? When it comes to understanding how the good and bad traits in one person work uniquely

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