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Cancer Horoscope: What Mercury Going Direct Means for You

If you’ve been frustrated feeling like things aren’t moving forward this month due to Mercury retrograde, get ready for life to go full-speed-ahead when Mercury goes direct. Cancers, are you ready to get a clear picture of what to expect as Mercury goes direct? You sensitive Water signs have some

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: March 18 – 24, 2019

It’s Spring, it’s Spring, it’s SPRING! Do you feel the energy switching already? It’s the energy of Spring. Those in the Northern Hemisphere, particularly in the Far North and beyond, are beginning to feel like you don’t live in the North Pole anymore. It’s refreshing. Snow is melting. Ice pellets

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to the 7 Chakras

Pronounced “sha-kra” or “cha-kra,” this Sanskrit term for wheel refers to the seven energy centers found in the body, starting with the Root or base chakra at your tailbone and stretching all the way up to the Crown chakra at the top of your head. Chances are, you’ve turned to

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: March 4 – 10, 2019

It’s a happy week of unconditional love, friends! Pisces magic is running high, and our Mutable Water sign is getting a lot of action this week. We have a beautiful New Moon in Pisces later in the week, and communicator Mercury also switches directions and goes retrograde this week. All

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: February 11-17, 2019

Happy Valentine’s Week, beloveds! Can you smell it in the air? It’s the sweet scent of unconditional love. We say goodbye to Aquarius as Pisces season draws upon us, our Mutable sign of the Water signs Pisces is bestowing on us their usual February dose of love, sweet love. You

The Difference Between a Daily & Weekly Horoscope

It’s easy to feel like you are being bombarded by horoscopes. Daily Horoscopes here, weekly horoscopes there. When you are trying to decide what horoscopes to read on any given day, you may feel frustrated or give up with so much information. But it’s important to get as much information

Mercury Direct in Sagittarius Sets Your Adventurous Spirit on Fire

Greetings, Earthlings. If you’ve made it this far in the holiday season, and this far in 2018, with your sanity and *most* relationships intact, give your Self a big ol’ gold star. 2018 has been quite the year for retrogrades; we saw ten retrogrades throughout the year! It’s been a

The Perfect Holiday Recipes for the Sagittarius

You don’t have to read a Sagittarius daily horoscope If you want to get to know your Sagittarius friends better – instead, you can get to know them through their stomach! A person’s food preferences are greatly influenced by what inspires their soul and what they personally find comfort in.

How to Use Planetary Transits for Personal Growth

We all check our Daily Horoscopes. Even the good folks that write the horoscopes check their Daily Horoscopes, Weekly Horoscopes, and Career Horoscopes. Believe it! We all want a sneak peek into what is ahead, and it’s always helpful to see how horoscope writers from all over the globe are

Autumn Health Checkup: Your Chakra Cleansing Checklist

Take a big, long breath of that Fall fresh air! It’s a new season! And with the Autumn Equinox in full swing, and the holidays just…gasp…a few short months away, there is never a better time for a quick health checkup. It’s a good idea to have our weekly Health

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