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Rock These Lucky Birth Stones for Your Zodiac Sign

Did you think your birthstone was your only lucky stone? Think again! For the most part, birthstones are marketed by jewelers to sell those particular gems! These 12 stones are associated with the 12 astrological Sun signs of the zodiac. There is more than one stone for each sign though,

Which Tree is Associated with Your Zodiac Sign?

Astrology can help us learn and understand more about ourselves than we ever thought possible through its rich use of symbolism and symbiotic relationships—each astrological sign is associated with many elements, from flowers to colors to crystals and nearly everything in between, including trees. Trees are one of the most

Which Marvel Superhero Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Finding your own superpower is much easier when you know your zodiac sign! While you may not have the same superpowers as Marvel’s Avengers, your biggest talents are revealed through both the element and the traits of your Sun sign. Learning about your special abilities can be more fun when

Which Cereal To Start Your Day With, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Have you ever thought of your zodiac sign in terms of… cereal? No? Well, you have now. Sweet, classic, pure, artificial – with so many options, how does one decide what to eat? You’ve appealed to the stars to seek guidance in relationships and in making tough life decisions, but

Is Your Zodiac Sign More Left or Right Brained?

Astrology is a powerful tool you can use to understand yourself and others so you can navigate the world with greater ease and deepen your interpersonal relationships. Some of the practical uses of understanding astrology include getting along better with partners, ease in building relationships with your colleagues and bosses,

Mars Enters Aquarius – Where Dreams & Passions Collide by the Zodiac Sign

It’s time to start thinking of some dreams again! Just when things in life started to feel a little draggy, thanks Saturn, energy picks up steam again. We’ve had multiple planets in retrograde status over the Summer months, and life has been slow moving in all directions. Or at least

Essential Oils to Enhance Communication for the Zodiac

Communication is such an important ingredient in the recipe for a successful experience on this planet — the acquisition of the skill and talent to communicate effectively might just be the most important one of all. Think about it, communication affects nearly every aspect of our lives, and so many

Let Your Zodiac Sign Help You Pick Your Battles

In life, we are sometimes called upon to brace ourselves and prepare for grizzly combats and epic arguments; tension is a natural part of the human existence, and often helps us to evolve into our most amazing selves. Interpersonal communication skills can greatly enhance our verbal exchange with others, however,

Small Change – Big Difference, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

With the possibilities of the New Year coming up, and all the excitement tied to making resolutions, lists and hopeful improvements on the horizon, we may feel like we have the next 6 weeks to party, entertain and finish out 2017 without concern for all of the bad habits or

Virgo 101 – Explore the Qualities of the 6th Zodiac Sign

We talk a lot about the qualities and characteristics typical of the sign of Virgo, but how much do you know about the 6th sign of the zodiac? How do we know what information to consider when we are talking about the sign of the Virgin? What are some of

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