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Your Zodiac Forecast for the Solar Eclipse in Pisces

The lunar eclipse that occurred two weeks ago has set us up nicely for the annular solar eclipse on Sunday, February 26 at 9:58 AM (EST). Solar eclipses are fascinating, they’re mysterious—even in these modern times when we understand the science behind them! The Earth experiences up to four solar

weekly forecast june 3

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for June 3rd – 9th, 2024

How would you feel about a week of creative ideas, manifestation, and increased energy? Then read this article to find out how the stars are behaving this week and how it will affect you! The week beginning with Mercury entering Gemini on June 3rd promises to be a dynamic period

love tarot reading

What is the Tarot Trying to Tell You in a Love Reading?

How does she feel about me? What does he think of me? Is he still mad at me? What does she like best about me? These are just some of the questions we ask the Tarot when we’re asking about a love interest. Tarot is a very popular tool when

Your Ultimate Guide to Controversial Mercury Retrograde

There’s a good chance that you’ve heard the phrase, “Mercury is in retrograde.” If you’re familiar with astrology, you may already know that when a planet is retrograde, it appears to be moving backward, and its energy shifts. When Mercury is in retrograde, many things feel more challenging than usual.

hooded figure staring ahead at a dark starry night

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: October 2 – 8, 2023

How would you like to experience a week of balanced communication, emotional reflection, and attention to detail in relationships? Then, you’ll want to keep reading to discover what astrology is bringing your way this week! The week of October 2nd brings a series of astrological events that will influence our

the three of swords tarot card

Everything You Need to Know About Swords in the Tarot

Associated with the element of Air and the aspect of the mind, the suit of swords in the Tarot is often feared and misunderstood. Many of these cards are intense, challenging, or difficult to process, forcing us to examine our mindsets or step back from something we want. And yet,

confused woman holding her head

What to Expect When Mercury Goes Direct in Virgo

We are finally near the end of Mercury retrograde! Time to celebrate. On September 15th, 2023, Mercury is moving direct once again. And the messenger planet will get serious about details when it moves direct in the sign of Virgo. The energy of Virgo is practical and level-headed and allows us to focus on the small details.

blue tarot cards spread across a white table filled with candles and a magic book

Your Weekly Tarotscope: July 10 – 16, 2023

Two fun, productive planetary movements are underway this week. The question is… how will they affect you? On July 10th, Mars — planet of drive and anger — will move into highly productive and adaptable Virgo. This powerful transit can help us tackle tasks and projects with more ferocity, helping

woman with short brown hair in a sparkly brown dress posing with her arms in the air against an orange backdrop

Why You Have to Stay Cool, Calm, & Collected With THIS Upcoming Transit

Are you starting to feel a surge in mental energy? You can thank Mercury moving into Gemini for that! On June 11th, we start a period with Mercury, the planet of the mind and communications, in Gemini. Mercury is the natural ruling planet for Gemini, which compounds mental energy, restlessness,

blue tarot cards spread out on a white wooden table surrounded by candles and a black cloth

Your Essential Weekly Tarotoscope for April 3 – 9, 2023

Now that the first full week of April is officially underway, it’s not surprising that the stars have something good cooking for us! The goods begin with Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, entering romantic, sensual, grounded, and practical Taurus. When this transit occurs on the 3rd, it’ll be

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