Search Results for: zodiac signs calendar 2024 – Page 6 Articles

two women with afros in colorful clothing standing against a red backdrop wearing sunglasses smiling boldly

Prepare for Aries Season With These 7 Important Tips

Are you ready for some seriously passionate, inspiring, and motivating energy? We hope so because Aries season is just around the corner. Aries season also marks the beginning of the new astrological year! Each time the Sun moves into a new sign, we experience a month of new energy and

side profile of a woman with green and pink lights illuminating the side of her face

Read Your Jupiter Retrograde Forecast As This Transit Begins in Taurus

The lucky planet, Jupiter, is about to turn retrograde on September 4th, 2023, and this will last almost the entire rest of the year until December 30th, 2023. It comes to us entirely in the sign of Taurus, where Jupiter has been since May 16th. Keep up with Jupiter, and

woman in a black dress dancing freely through a green forest

The MOST Important Astrological Transits in the Second Half of 2023

We’re coming close to the halfway point of 2023, so now is the perfect time to start preparing for the major astrology coming in the second half of the year. It may not be as challenging as the first half, thankfully, so we can look forward to that! THE Most

man standing on the edge of a cliff gazing up at a blue and green starry sky

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast May 15 – 21, 2023

What do you think about a week of discovering the perfect balance between work and play? Then keep reading to see what transits are headed your way this week! We can look forward to a week filled with powerful astrological transits this week! Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth,

black silhouette of a person standing on rocky ground pointing up at an array of stars in the sky

Your Essential Weekly Astrology Forecast for February 13 – 19, 2023

Are you excited for a week of transformative energy along with heightened intuition, creativity, and compassion? Then keep reading to find out what kind of magic the stars are bringing you this week! We’ve got two big transits to focus on this week, starting with the Last Quarter Moon in

Weekly Astrology Forecast: August 22 – 28, 2022

Do you crave focus, motivation, friendly conversations, and the opportunity to manifest your biggest dreams for the next month? Then the stars are bringing quite a few treats your way this week! On August 22nd, the Sun moves into sensible, grounded Virgo, marking the beginning of earthy Virgo season! This

Weekly Astrology Forecast: August 8 – 14, 2022

Are you ready to let go of toxic relationships and say hello to new, exciting connections and grand romantic gestures? Then the stars are here to bring some fresh, dynamic energy into your social world this week! This week, astrology is shaking things up with two powerhouse transits, both occurring

Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 18 – 24, 2022

Do you crave bright, warm energy that boosts confidence, fills your spirit with motivation, and intensifies creativity? Then get ready to let your light sparkle all around you because the stars are going big and bold this week! We have three fiery transits that will trigger your imagination, help you

These Are the Transits You Need to be Aware of for the Second Half of 2022

The second half of 2022 is nearly here (holy cow this year is flying by!), and we’ve got some huge astrology to cover for the second half, so buckle up! Let’s review the most important transits for the second half of this year—think of it as your general 2022 horoscope

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