5 of Cups

5 of Cups


When the 5 of Cups Tarot card appears in a reading, you are being met with a disappointment of some sort. This is not the kind of disappointment that will change your life. But instead, one that may create sadness in the day. Maybe someone has disappointed you, or you did not get a work bonus or improvement as you had hoped. Some hope is lost. This card could also mean that you miss someone that lives far away or that you feel sad for someone that is going through something much more traumatic than you may be feeling.


The 5 of Cups is a Tarot card that is not always a welcome card. You are being reminded that nothing lasts forever, not even pain. Here we see a lone soul with his back turned and his head down. Beside him are three cups that have fallen over, while two cups of love remain. There is a sense of loss and disappointment in this card, but you are being encouraged to note that not all cups are knocked down. The glass is half full! If you want it to be.

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