When the 7 of Cups Tarot card appears in your day, the message is that you may be building too many castles in the air. At the same time, you may also be engaging in less than stellar choices with your integrity, and this card cautions that the writing is on the wall and that there is trouble ahead. It may seem like you have a banquet of opportunities right now, but do you? Or is it just an illusion? Time to sort out the truth from the fiction in your day when you see this card appear. One choice will be victory, and one, not so much. How will you know? You just will. This card almost always signifies a choice between truth and illusion. Listen to your instincts.
The 7 of Cups is a hint at the sides of two worlds, good versus evil, and is always a cautionary tale. Each of the cups in this card is said to represent the seven deadly sins. We also see the symbolism of victories in this card, with the open wreath. The skull right beside it, however, cautions what cost you will pay for that victory. This is a card of choices, illusions, and truths. You are the master of your fate. Which will you decide? Be careful. Every single one of the choices represented here is an illusion.