8 of Wands

8 of Wands


When the 8 of Wands Tarot card arrives in your day, know that something is about to happen that will fill your heart with a smile. Messages could be important when you see this card. So donโ€™t be surprised if something wonderful or a sweet loving message comes to you out of the blue. You may also be offered an invitation to travel, or a lover may show up at your door unannounced. Wands symbolize Fire signs, so this person could be an old flame or a twin flame making themselves known. This card can also represent quick messages like those you find on social media, and they are always good messages.

Being a โ€œCupidโ€™s Arrowโ€ card sometimes could also mean that your heart may be hit with the arrow of love very shortly! Things happen quickly when the 8 of Wands appears!


The 8 of Wands Tarot card is a card that promises a flurry of events on its way to you! Wands in the Tarot symbolize quick activity or swift events happening. This card shows eight wands pointing downwards and moving very quickly. The buds on the wands represent growth and abundance and a fertile landscape of the dreams you have behind this card.

This is a card of movement, but more a card of movement happening to you than taking action and forcing the movement yourself. As such, it is often considered a travel card, you may be traveling, or someone may be traveling to you. Something wonderful, passionate, and exciting is undoubtedly coming to you.