When the 9 of Wands Tarot card appears, it is a gentle nudge from the Universe that you are doing everything right.
It seems to be a slow-moving and stalemate position card, but that is only half true. No action is happening in this card, so making a big move on a key issue is advised against. Instead, pull back, retreat into defensive mode, and assess the situation. You will find that you are farther along in this situation than you initially felt.
This is a courageous card, noting the courage you have exuded along the way in your battles. This card also says your patience will be rewarded if you keep your current course.
When the 9 of Wands Tarot card appears in your day, know that the Tarot is sending a message to acknowledge and validate your sense of perseverance and patience. This card also denotes courage.
This is not an action card but a card to say your patience will pay off. Here we see a man in an almost defensive position. He holds one wand close to his chest, and the others are all up in front of him, almost like a barrier. He looks guarded and peeks between the wands to see what lies ahead. What does he find? A glorious horizon. When this card appears in your day, know that the battles you have been facing are drawing to a close, and your courage will pay off.