The imagery of the Knight of Wands Tarot card shows a fine-looking young man who knows his way around the ladies. Like any good Fire sign, he is charming, good looking, and always knows the right thing to say. He doesn’t really need to think about it, which is good because he rarely does.
“Rushing into circumstances” is the keynote of this card. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes we all get caught up and swept away in the moment. But if you are looking for a knight that is in it for the long haul, think twice before you put all of your eggs in this basket. This knight is in constant motion, as we see from his horse. Be careful with your heart around this one unless he has given you very good reason to bestow it on his charm and personality for keeps.
On the Knight of Wands Tarot card, we see a young man on a horse who is dressed with the Fire sign symbolism of the colors orange, decorated with the black salamander. The color orange in this picture symbolizes action, and the stallion symbolizes creativity and passion. We also know that this horse is one that is in movement, and this is not always the case for every horse in the Tarot. So this knight is on a mission!
In typical Fire sign style, he is not taking his time with anything and is rushing into the mission at hand. With this symbolism, we also know that not only is the message this knight brings going to be a quick one, but it could also be an impulsive one as he does not take the time to think through his actions.
Fire sign colors and symbols are also frequently associated with travel and foreign connections. So this knight may be a knight from afar or bear messages from someone that is. It could also symbolize travel itself, and may mean the querent drawing the card will be one that engages in the travelling.