When the Queen of Swords Tarot card appears in your daily Tarot reading, you are being sent a message about an older woman, likely a Libra, that will have an appearance in your life. It could be you as well! She likely lives alone or is alone, as she focuses more on the practical matters of life than the emotional ones.
The Queen of Swords also represents a rational matter that is close to coming full circle and finding a place of completion. If this theme is in your day, then know that using your higher level thinking in the situation is called for versus responding emotionally. As well, the Queen of Swords is a just queen, so ensuring the truth prevails in the situations over which she rules is a must, or you will most surely feel her critical wrath.
The Queen of Swords Tarot card is a woman that sits sternly on her throne, holding her sword upright and looking directly into the distance. She is an older woman, dressed conservatively with little expression on her face.
As a Queen of the Swords and the Air element, she is ruled by the Air sign themes of intellect, truth, and justice. She takes these notions very seriously, and has great integrity. At the same time, she lacks emotion, and can even represent an older woman who sees no room for emotion in life due to life’s challenges and stresses, or simply through life’s wisdom. She may be a widow, or she may simply be a woman that uses grace, tact, and words, over emotions and ooey gooey feelings. Sometimes her words can be biting, but they always speak the truth, forcing us to look deep within our faults, talents, and gifts. As critical as she can be at times, she is fair and equally recognizes the good and evils of the world.