When the Chariot Tarot card arrives today, be sure that you are the one taking the reins to control the outcome of your situation. The Chariot could also signify a Cancer in your life or a Cancer about to make an appearance in your life. The zodiac sign of Cancer is a hard worker and attains success through emotional intelligence and sustained efforts. This is the message of the Chariot. Victory is assured, but it won’t be easy and won’t come quickly. This could mean a new skill you take on, some upgrading in education, or taking the lead on a project at work. It could also mean that you make the next big move in love. It’s important to remember that you only take on what you can complete. Otherwise, victory will be lost. Know that this Tarot card is about the effort that it takes to reach success. This is not a victory that comes knocking on your door. You will need to put some time in, and there could be some bumps along the way, but with the effort and determination of the Chariot, victory is almost definitely assured.
When this Major Arcana card appears, know that you are well on your way to a well-earned victory. This is Cancer’s card. Cancer is a hard worker and doesn’t realize anything quickly, and these traits are the inherent meaning of the Chariot. Here we see a man on a regal chariot, surrounded by the golden aura of victory. This card symbolizes a time in the ancient days when the victor would ride through the streets on a chariot to celebrate a victory. With the Chariot Tarot card, you are holding the reins and are feeling great power and the smell of a big win. This card says you are in the driver’s seat of your destiny! Moving ahead towards your victory is possible and probable when you see your card. The critical thing to remember when you see this card is that you are the master of your fate.