When The Empress Tarot card appears in your reading, you can rest assured that all is in a good place in your world, and that’s exactly how you created it. This Tarot card could be literal, pointing you to information about your own mother, yourself as a mother, or a mother figure in your world or situation. The Empress is powerful and very self-assured. She questions none of the decisions she makes, in the same way a mother raising her young does not question herself. This card is an omen for success in all areas of your life. If it feels like things are too good to be true, that’s because they are very good at the moment. But don’t question it. You have worked hard to reach this place, and deserve every second of it!
The Empress card is the eternal mother of the Tarot. She sits on her throne with a golden scepter about her. Her crown is sparkling with the 12 stars, symbolizing the 12 signs of the zodiac. She wears lush garments, is surrounded by beauty and luxurious gardens, and has a big smile. She may be a bit of a diva, but she has earned her spot in the spotlight and is enjoying her success. This is a very feminine card. Often feminine principles such as fertility, motherhood, and feminine empowerment are themes in your reading when this card appears.