December 2025 Astrology Calendar

This astrology calendar outlines all of the major astrological events for 2025, intended to help you plan for the year!

The calendar includes all of the major aspects between the planets, when they turn retrograde or direct, when New Moons, Full Moons, and Eclipses occur when planets move into new signs and the potential impact. The calendar uses Eastern time zone.


December 2025 Astrological Transits


Moon in Aries Trine Mars in Sagittarius

Take action with the extra energy you have, and focus on what gets you most excited.

Moon Enters Taurus

Slow things down to take a beat and reconnect with the moment. This helps you ground yourself.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Aries/Taurus


Moon in Taurus Square Pluto in Aquarius

Fights over power and control go nowhere, so try to consider other ways to solve the situation.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Taurus


Moon in Taurus Opposite Mercury in Scorpio

Expressing yourself may prove difficult, so work on finding different ways to do that.

Moon Enters Gemini

An idea can get put into existence, and you can work on putting together short-term plans to maximize it.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Taurus/Gemini


Moon in Gemini Opposite Venus in Sagittarius

Connecting with others might be challenging, and someone could get on your nerves. Try to give yourself and others a break.

Gemini Full Moon

With the Gemini Full Moon, you may want to sort through your ideas, finalize plans, and drill down on what you want to work on next. Your heart and mind can merge, and you can share what you’re feeling more openly.


Moon in Gemini Square Saturn in Pisces

Something is on your mind and keeping you from having full focus on what you want. Take time away from it to get some perspective.

Moon Enters Cancer

Focus on matters of the home and family, and make improvements to make you feel more at ease.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Cancer


Mercury in Scorpio Trine Jupiter in Cancer

Big ideas and big plans fill your mind, and you can get excited by what you come up with. Keep track and find opportunities.


Mercury in Scorpio Trine Saturn in Pisces

Inspiration for your goals can surge, and you can work on your long-term plans and take a disciplined approach.

Moon Enters Leo

Focus on what you enjoy most over the next few days, and connect with love and joy.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Cancer/Leo


Mars in Sagittarius Square Saturn in Pisces

Energy can feel stifled, and your options might seem limited on the surface, which frustrates you. Try to take a step back and look at things from a different vantage point.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Leo


Moon in Leo Trine Mars in Sagittarius

Make the most of energy and enthusiasm you have to take the initiative with a big idea, to explore, or to have an experience.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Leo/Virgo


Neptune Direct in Pisces

Neptune ends its retrograde in Pisces and begins to move forward again in this sign. This helps lift some of the foggy energy that’s been over everything the last few months, and you can work on having a better connection to your soul, your intuition, and your inner artist.

Mercury in Scorpio Opposite Uranus in Taurus

Mental impatience can take over, and you may struggle to stick with anything. Don’t be impulsive, and try to do research and plan instead.

Moon Enters Virgo

There can be a lot to get done, and you can have the energy you need to tackle all of the tasks and chores over the next few days.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Virgo


Mercury in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces

A sudden surge of inspiration can come, and you may want to act quickly. It might not last, so be fast.

Mercury Enters Sagittarius

Mercury comes back to Sagittarius, and you may see something come full circle or something gets picked back up that slid off last month. You can reconnect with big ideas and plans, optimism and the big picture, and focus on opportunities to end the year well.

Last Quarter Moon in Virgo

Finish up small projects, tasks, and chores over the next week with the Last Quarter Moon in Virgo. This frees you up for new goals and ventures.


Moon in Libra Trine Pluto in Aquarius

What you do now can empower you, and you can take control of something that leads to a transformation you didn’t even think of.

Moon Enters Libra

Spend time with loved ones, work with a partner, or prioritize peace and harmony. Create a serene environment.

Waning Crescent Moon in Libra


Mercury in Sagittarius Sextile Pluto in Aquarius

You can work to dig deeper into and uncover more information about anything you need to know more about, strengthening your plans.


Mars in Sagittarius Trine Neptune in Pisces

Spiritual pursuits can get more of your energy and enthusiasm, and you can feel driven to take action and get inspired.

Moon Enters Scorpio

There can be a serious matter to focus on, and you can continue with it and push to make progress now.

Waning Crescent Moon in Libra/Scorpio


Mars Enters Capricorn

Mars moves into Capricorn, the sign of goals, and this greatly increases your ambition, which is perfect leading into a new year. You can set new goals, put together long-term plans, and feel extra disciplined.

Waning Crescent Moon in Scorpio


Sun in Sagittarius Square Saturn in Pisces

Options might seem limited, and this can make you feel pessimistic. Try to expand your view and get creative with the options you have.


Moon in Scorpio Trine Saturn in Pisces

Discipline can be used properly, and you can feel more connected with your goals and direction.

Moon Enters Sagittarius

Opportunities can seem to grow, and you can focus on the ones that provide you with the chance to have a new experience that excites you.

Waning Crescent Moon in Sagittarius


Moon in Sagittarius Conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius

Something you began about two months ago might see progress now, and you can come up with new ideas and new short-term plans to build on this.


Moon in Sagittarius Conjunct Venus in Sagittarius

The people in your life can be of help, and you can reach out for advice or resources to work with your goals.

Sagittarius New Moon

The Sagittarius New Moon increases your optimism, and opportunities for new experiences, to explore, or to expand in new ways can come to you. Be open and make the most of everything you have.

Moon Enters Capricorn

You can look forward to the next year of your life and get inspired with your resolutions and goals in the new year. Gather information now.


Sun in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces

It can be difficult to focus on anything as your energy seems drained. If so, try to get to the heart of the matter and what’s causing this, and work to improve.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Capricorn


Sun Enters Capricorn

Capricorn season is traditionally an excellent time to work on your goals and long-term plans, so this is a great way to end one year and start another. Focus on what you’re feeling most ambitious with, and determine what you need to make it happen. 

Venus in Sagittarius Square Saturn in Pisces

You may not care to pay much attention to your responsibilities, but if you can get a break, it can be a good idea. Find space where you can.


Moon in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus

Independence can be strong, and you can focus on doing things in your own way or experimenting.

Moon Enters Aquarius

The future can look bright, and you may want to work on plans for changes or pursue the unconventional.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Aquarius


Moon in Aquarius Sextile Mercury in Sagittarius

Focus on your ideas, and work on your short-term plans. You can utilize your knowledge and gather facts.


Venus in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces

Others might be draining for you, and while you want to be of help, someone may try to take advantage. Try to be understanding, but also take care of yourself, and that may require some solitude and rest.

Venus Enters Capricorn

Venus enters Capricorn, which means you can enjoy focusing on your goals and being ambitious over the next few weeks. You can craft long-term plans and can be disciplined and responsible.

Moon Enters Pisces

Some quiet time to yourself can be helpful, and you can use that to finish something, clear out, or get more rest.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Pisces


Moon in Pisces Sextile Mars in Capricorn

Energy can be high for whatever you are enthusiastic about, and you can take the initiative quickly and with ease.


Moon in Pisces Trine Jupiter in Cancer

Ideas for expansion can come to you, and you can work on putting together plans to open up your life.


Moon in Aries Sextile Pluto in Aquarius

There can be something that needs to be transformed in order to give you control, and you can do the hard work now to make it happen.

Moon Enters Aries

Make use of enthusiasm, and work on something that you’re excited about and want just for you.

First Quarter Moon in Aries

Take the initiative with adjustments with the First Quarter Moon in Aries, and you can make use of energy and enthusiasm to make progress. Act quickly and decisively.


Moon in Aries Trine Mercury in Sagittarius

Engage with others and express yourself. You can be open and want to share what’s on your mind.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Aries


Moon in Taurus Trine Venus in Capricorn

Someone might prove helpful to you, and you can give them help in return, thankful for their input and wanting to return the favor with others and express yourself. You can be open and want to share what’s on your mind.

Moon Enters Taurus

Work on improving stability and security in your life over the next few days. This helps you end the year with more confidence.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Taurus


Mercury in Sagittarius Square Saturn in Pisces

It might be difficult for you to focus on your long-term plans, and you may need to give your mind a break. Allow it some space, and then re-examine with fresh eyes.


Moon in Taurus Sextile Saturn in Pisces

Focus on your goals can be renewed, and you can feel more connected with your life path. You can be disciplined and practical.

Moon Enters Gemini

The year closes out with lots of new ideas for the new year, and you can be more engaging and expressive. Have fun and connect.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Gemini

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