Dragon Daily Horoscope
Mar 12, 2025 - Some important questions are required of you at this time. Where is your heart guiding you? This is a time of powerful spiritual progress and deeper wisdom. There may be things you don't want to let go of, but they are necessary to let go to help you move forward.
The more you embrace the future and accept that the past is the past, the more you will come into yourself and recognize your full potential.
It's about trusting yourself and trusting the process so be sure to believe in yourself. Big changes are on the way for you.
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Daily Tarot Reading
There is a feeling of being trapped when we see the 8 of Swords arrive in our day or reading, but the symbolism in this card offers us some hope. The 8 of Swords can portend some of the most grisly moments in life, such as being trapped in a…
Let These Tarot Readings Help Guide You Through Your Day
Daily Crystal & Gemstone Reading

Blue Apatite helps those who have problems expressing themselves and can be particularly helpful to the signs of Gemini and Libra, as these are two signs who are socially inclined and great talkers. We sometimes find ourselves at a loss for words or afraid of public speaking, Blue Apatite can…