Dragon Daily Horoscope: Tomorrow
Dec 27, 2024 - Today is about recognizing aspects of your routine that are destructive to you. Do you have a good balance between work and play?
You may find at times that doing the things that need doing which you really don't want to do can be so challenging that you end up not doing them at all!
A sense of routine and habit where you feel at ease and at peace with yourself at the end of the day is the goal. Think about what changes you can make in order to make this happen and manifest them into reality.
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Daily Tarot Reading
The Ace of Pentacles in your Tarot reading brings a message that a resource is on its way to you. Aces also always represent new beginnings. Pentacles represent Earthly symbols and Earth signs such as Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. But pentacles also often represent financial affairs or affairs related to…
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Daily Crystal & Gemstone Reading
Because its primary chakra is the Heart chakra, working with Green Calcite can strengthen our connection You could also create an "Opportunity Elixir" by infusing your drink with Green Aventurine. Place a small (clean) chunk in your water or tea and let it soak for 30 minutes or more. The…