Dragon Daily Horoscope: Yesterday
Mar 11, 2025 - Have you been giving yourself the nurture you deserve? Have you been honoring your innermost needs and the things that bring you joy and peace?
There is a powerful self-care element to this lunar energy. Make a list of five things you can do over this period that are just for you. Is self-care hard for you to implement? Do you find yourself too strapped for time?
If so, think about why that is. Are you being as fair to yourself as you are to others? Remember, you deserve your own love and affection. How can you show more affection and care to yourself? This is the topic to focus on at this time.
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Daily Tarot Reading
There is a feeling of being trapped when we see the 8 of Swords arrive in our day or reading, but the symbolism in this card offers us some hope. The 8 of Swords can portend some of the most grisly moments in life, such as being trapped in a…
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Daily Crystal & Gemstone Reading

Blue Apatite helps those who have problems expressing themselves and can be particularly helpful to the signs of Gemini and Libra, as these are two signs who are socially inclined and great talkers. We sometimes find ourselves at a loss for words or afraid of public speaking, Blue Apatite can…