leo Monthly Horoscope

Aries Zodiac Sign

For the Month of: June 2024

June - Can you believe it's June already, Leo? This month is rolling in fast and hot, ready to take your social connections, career, health routine, and inner world to the next level. The kind of level that makes you more healed and aligned. Because of that, this month is about healing and surrendering to the wisdom of the universe. Increase your self-care routine and acknowledge your emotions. When the timing is right, your dreams will become a reality. Whenever you feel like you're not progressing. You're supposed to have an attitude of gratitude and give generously without expecting anything in return. That's what brings you abundance. Let's take a look at your horoscope this month.

You'll be socializing and connecting in a new way when Mercury enters Gemini on June 3. Gemini energy encourages you to let go of blockages and help your dreams come true. You'll have disagreements or gossip in friendship groups.

The new moon in Gemini falls in your sector of dreams and wishes, allies, friendship, and assistance. New moons are magical times to set intentions for the next lunar cycle. The time is right to make your goals and dreams a reality. If you play your cards right, you'll find that collaborative efforts help with this. You can learn so much by working together, and you'll get great ideas, opportunities, and friendships as well.

It's full steam ahead for your career sector when Mars enters Taurus on June 8. You can use this energy to feed your manifestations aka your long-term plans if you focus on strategic thinking. Just because you're in a certain position now, doesn't mean it's forever. That doesn't mean you can't have more joy, peace, and happiness in your life, too. Be open to change if it feels right. When you're unsure, meditate, release negative emotions, and ground yourself.

The next day, you've got the Moon in your sign as the Sun clashes with Saturn. It's a good time to heal if you feel slowed down or restricted. Plus, the Moon is in your sign so you'll feel more creative and in tune. However, you might feel like something's holding you back, but it's just a minor roadblock asking you to take care of yourself. Don't let your Leo fire go out. Stay confident, patient, and loyal. It'll be fine in no time.

There will be lots of conversations and insights on June 14, when the Sun aligns with Mercury. Your desire to connect with others and share your vision for the future is also fueled by this transit. Your words matter, so speak with grace and respect, and let your creativity shine. Avoid unnecessary arguments by leading with trust.

Mercury and Venus enter Cancer on June 17, passing through your mystical sector of secrets, unconscious patterns, health, and intuitions. With the focus on healing, love, and closure, you'll feel a lot more intuitive. It's a great time to connect with your spiritual self. Surface-level conversations won't cut it right now, and your creativity runs deep. Channel your energy into healthy things.

Spend time with loved ones and alone when Cancer season starts on June 20 and take long walks near water. Manifesting and healing are the themes of this season. You cannot do those if you are always on the go.

The next day, there's a Full Moon in Capricorn, which brings a whole new level of responsibility. Along with themes of transformation, sex, death, intimacy, and rebirth, this is a call to change your health regime. You've been avoiding some major emotions that are calling you to release them, shine, and watch your goals bloom. Now is the time to embrace the emotions you've been hiding.

Lastly, the month ends with the last quarter moon in Aries on June 28. It's time to take stock of your recent accomplishments during this lunar phase. Pay attention to your instincts during this period, as they're probably heightened and guiding you. Take a moment to think about your goals and dreams, Leo. Are you on track to manifesting your dreams? This lunar energy can inspire your passions and refocus your intentions. Trust in your inner fire and take bold steps forward with faith.

Overall, this month is about collaboration, ideas, transformation, visions, and dreams coming true. Get in touch with your emotions and move the energy forward.

Self-care tip: Explore your shadow side to release pent-up emotions. Find a quiet space, journal your thoughts, and feel without judgment. Here's a question to contemplate: What am I afraid to confront within myself, and how might facing it lead to growth?

June's affirmation: "I trust in my ability to overcome challenges and manifest my desires with complete conviction."

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