Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 27 – March 5, 2023

black silhouette of a person standing on a large hill with their arms outstretched toward a purple and blue starry sky

Are you ready to sink your teeth into clear communication, new and exciting ideas, and opportunities for growth and learning? Then you’d better keep reading because two exciting transits are coming your way this week!

On February 27th, we have a First Quarter Moon in Gemini, which signals a time of decision-making and taking action. You’re being asked to confront the challenges and obstacles in your life and make decisions that move you toward your goals.

Gemini is an Air sign associated with communication, learning, and adaptability, and this lunar transit can bring a heightened focus on these areas. You may feel the urge to communicate your thoughts and ideas more effectively, seek new learning opportunities, and be more open to change and new experiences. 

However, the conflicting energy of this transit can also lead to confusion, indecision, and overthinking. Seek out new learning opportunities, challenge yourself to expand your knowledge and perspectives, and remain adaptable and open to change.

Next up is Mercury – Gemini’s ruling planet – shifting into dreamy, intuitive Pisces on March 2nd, focusing more on your imagination, creativity, intuition, and emotions. Mercury is the planet of communication and thought, and in the sign of Pisces, it can bring dreamy and imaginative energy to your thinking and perception of the world.

During this transit, you may find yourself more intuitive and in touch with your emotions, and you may also be more imaginative and creative in your communication and problem-solving. However, Pisces’s fluid and impressionable energy can also lead to confusion, indecision, and a tendency to get lost in fantasies or illusions.

February 27 – March 5th is a Week to Remain Open, Communicative, & Creative

This week, your energy is directed toward communication, learning, and adaptability while also being in touch with your emotions and intuition. The First Quarter Moon in Gemini is a time of decision-making and taking action, while Mercury in Pisces is associated with creativity, intuition, and imagination.

Are you willing to maintain an open mind and seek opportunities for growth this week? You may need to challenge yourself to embrace new perspectives and ideas to feel more aligned with your spirit. 

Planetary Locations During This Week

  • The Sun: Pisces (February 18, 2023 – March 20, 2023)
  • Mercury: Aquarius (February 11, 2023 – March 2, 2023), Pisces (March 2, 2023 – April 3, 2023)
  • Venus: Aries (February 20, 2023 – March 16, 2023)
  • Mars: Gemini (August 20, 2022 – March 25, 2023)
  • Jupiter: Aries (December 20, 2022 – May 16, 2023)
  • Saturn: Aquarius (December 17, 2020 – March 7, 2023)
  • Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
  • Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
  • Pluto: Capricorn (Until January 20, 2024)

Daily Astrology Snapshots

Monday, February 27


Pisces – The dreamy Pisces Moon amplifies intuition, creativity, and emotions. Self-care is crucial during this period – focus on activities that lift your spirits and help you feel aligned.


Gemini – The Gemini Moon heightens mental awareness, focus, and creativity. Practice stimulating activities that allow you to express yourself creatively today.

Astrological Aspect

First Quarter Moon in Gemini – Short-term plans may need some adjustments with this energy, but it will be worth it. Be flexible with changes as they are needed and come up.

Tuesday, February 28




Cancer – The Cancer Moon is sensitive, intuitive, and compassionate, urging you to protect those you love. Ensure you’re taking care of yourself through activities that fill your spirit with joy.

Wednesday, March 1





Astrological Aspect 

Cancer Moon square Jupiter in Aries – During this transit, you may experience an emotional exaggeration or tendency towards overindulgence, leading to potential conflicts or excesses. It’s an excellent time to be mindful of your actions and decisions and to focus on maintaining balance and self-discipline.

Read this next: Your March 2023 Energy Forecast

Thursday, March 2





Astrological Aspect

Mercury enters Pisces – Your imagination will take hold with this transit! It’s time to focus on creative ventures and hobbies.

Friday, March 3




Leo – The Leo Moon is childlike and lighthearted, helping you feel friendlier and more confident. This is a great day to share your affection with those you love!

Saturday, March 4





Astrological Aspect

Leo Moon square Uranus in Taurus – You can expect sudden changes or disruptions to your emotional state or environment, which may feel uncomfortable or unsettling. To deal with this transit, it’s essential to remain flexible and adaptable and to approach any unexpected situations with an open mind.

Sunday, March 5




Virgo – The Virgo Moon increases motivation and helps you feel better about any work or tasks on your plate right now. Don’t be afraid to tackle your to-do list.

Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.

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