We’ve been teased by the energy of Aries all month long, but this week is when the big leagues finally roll around.
With Mercury going retrograde in the brave and bold sign of the ram on the 15th and a Venus retrograde kicking off on the 1st of the month, we haven’t been able to escape the Fiery presence of this independent zodiac sign.
However, Aries season itself will be in full force on the 20th, and the power, strength, creativity, and ambition of this sign will be ours for the taking, demanding to be used and paid attention to.
How are you planning to use it?
Well, Aries energy resonates differently with everyone, and the guidance we may need can vary from person to person. That’s why we’re checking in with the Tarot to see what you can expect at a personal level!
Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for March 17th – 23rd, 2025
3 of Pentacles
Aries, you know how the saying goes: teamwork makes the dream work.
This week, it’s best to heed those words, as the 3 of Pentacles suggests that collaboration, communication, and allowing others into your workspace are essential keys to success right now.
This is especially true for work, career, and finances. If you feel out of your depth, don’t be afraid to ask for help or assistance… no matter how strong and independent you may be tempted to be.
10 of Wands
Taurus, how much do you think you can actually carry all at once?
You’ve been saying “yes” to an awful lot, accepting the baggage of not just your own life but perhaps for others too, bearing the weight of responsibility on multiple fronts.
The 10 of Wands suggests that you’re about to reach your limit, and the stress of this week isn’t meant to break you, but it is meant to show you that it’s time to let go.
Know this, Taurus: not every battle needs to be fought in order to be won.
Read more: Everything You Need to Know About Wands in the Tarot
Knight of Wands (Reversed)
Gemini, don’t rush into anything unnecessarily.
Although you may be experiencing random rushes of spontaneous excitement and impulsiveness, that doesn’t mean you should follow through with those instincts.
The Knight of Wands reversed points to disjointed and uncertain energy levels. Acting now may be rash, or for other Geminis it could cause immediate burnout right afterward.
Be thoughtful, patient, and mindful of what foot you’re putting forward right now.
6 of Pentacles (Reversed)
Cancer, you’re about to completely deplete yourself if you’re not careful.
We love and admire the generous Cancerian spirit, but there is a time and a place for everything.
The 6 of Pentacles reversed warns against giving to others out of obligation, or feeling like you have to say “yes” continuously to something or someone just because you’ve done so in the past.
In order to give in a truly generous and sustainable way, it needs to be coming from a place of stability, security, and confidence. Make sure you’re secure in yourself first.
The Devil
Leo, something in the shadows has been creeping up on you.
The Devil suggests that this week is all about lingering baggage, burdens, and shadows. You may have been letting something slide for far too long — bad habits, misprioritizations of values, or connections that have been leeching off of your energy.
Whatever it is, it’s no longer capable of being ignored. You’ll need to face your inner demons head-on… before they’re no longer just “inner” demons and become actual battles you must fight.
Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)
Virgo is not in their usual confident and productive energy.
The Knight of Pentacles reversed complicates your relationship with personal productivity, finances, and career progress.
You may be trying desperately to stay on task and proceed with your responsibilities, but you’re also struggling to maintain the right headspace, inner motivation, and organizational processes.
It’s okay to run into snags like these, Virgo. Even the sign of the perfectionist struggles from time to time with things like these.
The Sun (Reversed)
Libra, some serious self-reflection may be in order.
The Sun reversed casts a huge shadow over your personal happiness and true sense of joy. You may be struggling to feel like yourself this week.
The reversal of this card illuminates a need for inner rebalancing. You may not be prioritizing what truly makes you unique, happy, and fulfilled, putting your true needs on the backburner in favor of what you feel like you “should” be doing.
But this week, you’re called to be honest about your authentic self… and also what that authentic self truly desires.
3 of Swords (Reversed)
Scorpio, healing is in order.
The 3 of Swords reversed shows you examining old (and potentially fresh) wounds. You may not exactly be in the throes of woe right now, but there’s been a lingering feeling that something uncomfortable was left unaddressed lately.
As such, this week is about patching up emotional baggage and disappointments for good.
Find some time for self-reflection, emotional processing, and inner honesty this week.
The Empress
Sagittarius is in their creative, loving, and abundant energy this week.
The Empress shows you focusing on everything that makes you feel good, and not just in a materialistic or hedonistic sense.
You’re embracing self-love, true personal creativity, and allowing your intuitive instincts to lead your material decisions too.
In other words, you may have had to put your true desires and ambitions on the backburner previously, but this week is all about putting them right back where they belong, front and center.
9 of Wands (Reversed)
Capricorn, it’s time to loosen the reins.
The 9 of Wands reversed asks you to let go of your patient, obervational gaze and sensibilities.
Although you may have felt the need to stand still, pay close attention to your surroundings, and take inventory of literally every little detail that passes you by, this isn’t a sustainable way of living long-term.
Have you been paying attention out of responsibility or anxiety? It may be time to let your mind and eyes take a rest for once.
The Hanged Man (Reversed)
Aquarius, watching and waiting has its time and place… and it’s no longer now.
The Hanged Man reversed suggests that you’ve been sitting in self-reflection and contemplation for a while, trying to gain perspective and insight about your surroundings.
But there’s only so much that you can do in a position like this, and sometimes there is no longer a “right answer” for you to seek.
You may have to take a brave leap of faith into the unknown, or else the future you’re curious about may remain a mystery.
Pisces has a clear grip on what’s important now.
With Judgement at your side, you’re equipped to identify what really matters, whether that’s in yourself, other people, major life decisions, or something beyond.
This is a week to trust your perspective and inner compass, rely on your instincts and wisdom, and know that you’re aligned with your intuition and the guidance of the Unvierse.
How will you make the most of this alignment, Pisces?
Your Guide to This Week’s Aries Energy
Pat yourself on your back — you’ve collected your weekly Tarotscope, and now you’re already more ahead of the game than most!
But speaking of getting ahead of the game… it’s a true Aries tradition to want to be first up to bat with anything.
We’ve prepared some Aries-specific resources for you to get a firm head start to success in this week’s Aries energy, especially with so much of it floating around the stars and planets!
- Learn how to use Mercury in Aries to reach your goals
- Use these 7 ways of preparing for Aries season
- Try these essential Aries season affirmations
Review the full picture: Your Sign’s March 2025 Tarotscope