Cancer Daily Horoscope

Mar 15, 2025 - You have so much ability and can wow nearly everyone you come into contact with, and you should feel really good about that. Few people have the innate gifts to impress quite like you, and these talents often come to help you on the professional front.
With the primal Sun about to be moving through your career sector you’re primed to stand front and center and show the world what you’ve got, and while you certainly can do that you will want to be a little careful about how you present yourself. Messenger Mercury is also turning retrograde and will be backstroking through this same sector for the first half of this transit, so it’s more than possible you might stick your foot in your mouth if you don’t pay attention.
You can’t plan for every eventuality but allow yourself a measure of freedom because plans could change on a dime. Just breathe and accept that things established now might need to be reworked down the line.
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