Here’s Everything You Need to Know About the Libra Solar Eclipse – Read Your Horoscope NOW

libra solar eclipse

On October 2nd, 2024, we’ll experience a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra! This is the second Libra Solar Eclipse in this eclipse set and the last Libra eclipse until 2033!

A New Moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon align in the zodiac. Solar Eclipses occur when New Moons are within 18 1/2 degrees of the Lunar Nodes (the points in the Moon’s orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic).

New Moons are times for new beginnings and are full of energy and enthusiasm. Solar Eclipses amplify this energy, and their impact can last for up to six months before and after. 

This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra can focus on Libra matters, which can include:

  • Anything dealing with relationships, partnerships, and alliances as this is primarily what Libra rules (so giving more attention to existing relationships, taking the next step, meeting new people, entering into new partnerships and alliances, etc.)
  • Anything where you’re making a compromise, negotiating, or mediating (this may be over contracts, legal matters, or just in general in life)
  • Anything that involves fairness or justice (this can mean legal matters or working in communities for greater equity)
  • Anything involving balance, peace, and harmony (there can be more peace talks in the world at large, and we can focus on bringing more balance to our lives)

Eclipses occur in sets of opposing signs in the zodiac. We’ve been in a set for Libra and Aries and just began a set in Pisces and Virgo.

We’re coming off of a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, which occurred on September 17th, 2024. This was the first eclipse for that new eclipse set and triggered major releases, revelations, and reassessments. 

That Lunar Eclipse was strong, IS strong, and we’re probably still feeling the effects of it. Full Moons are normally strong emotionally, and this one was to the nth degree, thanks to Saturn and Neptune also in Pisces.

Add on this Solar Eclipse being the last Libra eclipse, and we’re focused on closing the books, finishing chapters, and moving on in some capacity.

This Libra Solar Eclipse can trigger big, important decisions in relationships, partnerships, and alliances, and we have to commit or walk. I think we’ll see many more commit than walk, so this is likely a time of new commitments, but they’re ones that have been long in the making and that we’ve been waiting for a long time to achieve.

This Solar Eclipse in Libra is conjunct (aligned with) Mercury in Libra, which is actually the same as the Libra Solar Eclipse in 2023. This can bring lots of new ideas, important news, open up our minds, and make us more expressive. We can also be extra busy, wanting to have plenty to do, and can be more engaging.

We may find we’re talking a lot about commitment, actually expressing commitment, and extremely willing to compromise, or at least have the idea to. Ideas, plans, communications, and information that was prevalent with the Libra Solar Eclipse in 2023 may carry over or pop back up again with the 2024 Libra Solar Eclipse, so look back to what you were focusing on then.

Jupiter, Pluto, & Mars Retrograde are Important Around This Eclipse.

The Libra Solar Eclipse occurs on October 2nd, and on October 5th, we enter Mars shadow, on October 9th, Jupiter turns retrograde, and on October 11th, Pluto turns direct. A lot to cover here!

Starting with Mars, Mars is going to retrograde (appear to move backward) from December 6th, 2024, to February 23rd, 2025. It begins in Leo and ends in Cancer, and Mars is going to come to the spot it’ll end the retrograde in on October 5th, three days after this eclipse.

This means we enter the shadow period for the Mars retrograde. It essentially means we start to feel the impact of the retrograde, of what we’re doing with it, and what will happen during it.

Developments around the Libra Solar Eclipse can tie into the end of the Mars retrograde in February. So, pay attention to what happens!

Moving to Jupiter retrograde, this begins on October 9th and lasts until February 4th, 2025, so we really see a big tie to this moment with this eclipse, Mars, Jupiter retrograde, and the February 2025 energy. Pay close attention!

Then Pluto ends its retrograde two days later on October 11th at the anaretic degree in Capricorn. There are 30 degrees in every zodiac sign, and 29 degrees is the last degree, called the anaretic degree.

This is highly charged, energetic, sometimes frantic energy with the transit planets, and this is extra true with anaretic Pluto, who is about to exit Capricorn for good in November. We’ve got a rapidly closing window to make the transformations associated with Pluto in Capricorn before Pluto moves on, and we want to take action.

Normally, when planets or bodies start or end a retrograde, they’re slowing way down to a crawl, which means WE slow down to a crawl. BUT with Pluto anaretic and the Solar Eclipse, we’re likely not experiencing that this time.

Instead, we’re acting quickly and again, with something long in the making. It just might be that we get ourselves unstuck and that our options might be limited thanks to Jupiter retrograde, but we can maximize the options we have.

This might be a stressful period, though, so here are some things to consider during this space that can help:

  • Focus on bringing more balance to your life by giving time to what you’ve ignored.
  • Make space for peace and harmony so you can feel better in control of yourself emotionally and more secure.
  • Take time to meditate or get in tune with your intuition or subconscious mind, and keep notes of messages you get and understandings you have.
  • Do research and be smart about important actions and decisions so you won’t end up in a bad position going forward.

Make sure to use the free astrology calendar so you can keep track of the planets!

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra Horoscopes


The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra can focus on your connections with others, Aries, and you can work on being more committed to them and being a better partner in all ways. This can open you up to new people, and others can be the ones who provide you with new opportunities.

Take a calm, cool approach, and put some effort into healthy communication. You may feel like avoiding relationships as Pluto tries to pull you toward external goals and ambitions, but remember that balance is important, and people can be of help with whatever you’re pursuing.


The Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse can be super helpful for getting work done, Taurus. You can not only get more work done, but you can make new connections that help you with your work and provide more opportunities for you, and you can get recognition for work you’ve done.

It can also be important for you to make time to have healthy outlets for stress as Pluto tries to aggravate you with a desperate need for space. Avoid unloading on some unsuspecting person by having a healthy outlet.


The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra can make you more creative, Gemini, and you can focus this on creative projects and ventures. You can commit to a project or venture and can infuse it with such great creativity that others can be impressed by what you’re capable of, and you can get a lot of attention for it.

This can also be a time to focus on love and joy and remind yourself how to have fun. Pluto might demand a serious attitude and approach, but this just brings you down without being balanced by fun and joy, so remember that.


The Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse can bring your attention to the home and family, Cancer, and you can commit to plans with those you think of as family, or that impact your living situation, or you can offer emotional support to those you’re closest to. This can help you grow closer.

Taking care of your own emotional needs can also be important with this eclipse, especially with Pluto trying to direct your attention elsewhere. Your needs matter, too, and you can take care of them in a healthy way without feeling guilty.


The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra can stimulate your mind and help you take action with ideas, Leo, and this can make you more enthusiastic and excited about your plans. Your mind can be an asset, and you can make use of the knowledge and information you attain.

There can be great news around this time, and you may be tempted to get stressed out about it, even if it’s good, thanks to Pluto. Try to avoid that by reminding yourself of the positives and improving your inner talk.


The Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse can bring more stability and security to your life, Virgo, and this can come by helping you ground yourself, by eliminating a chaotic situation effortlessly, or by giving you a resource that makes you feel abundant and in control.

You can confidently move forward, which helps you avoid getting stuck in drama with Pluto. Don’t be a drama queen; be an earth god/dess!


The New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs in your sign, Libra, and you’re the target! This is the second and last Solar Eclipse in your sign for seven years, so make the most of the opportunities you have for a new beginning, a new chapter, and a new commitment to a new phase of your life.

Pluto might try to bring out emotional insecurity, but this isn’t necessary. Try to focus on taking control, taking the initiative, and taking care of your emotional needs as you go along.


This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra can keep you in the background and behind the scenes, Scorpio, and you can feel more comfortable there for now. This gives you a chance to work on your own, and you can get more done that way and set yourself up for the next chapter.

Pluto is your natural ruling planet, so its retrograde ending can be strong for you as you start to feel more like your usual self. This helps you sort through ideas, finalize plans, and clear out with the eclipse.


There can be big changes to work on with this Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse, Sagittarius, and you can be open to stepping outside of your comfort zone and working either independently or with a group to make progress. You can think more about the future right now and want to drill down on your dreams.

Pluto may try to slow you down, but the eclipse wants you to speed up so you can work to balance these two out. Ground yourself, be confident as you work, and be willing to act quickly.


This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra can be huge for achievement and success, Capricorn, and you can hit new heights and get recognition for great work. This may have started with last year’s Libra Solar Eclipse, and you’re reaping the rewards of hard, smart work.

Pluto is ending its retrograde in your sign, where it’s been for over a decade, forcing you to transform in new ways, empower yourself, and take control. If you’ve done things the right way and for the right reasons, this eclipse can bring the fruits of your labor that you’ve been dreaming of.


The Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse can open you up to new experiences that thrill you, Aquarius, and you can pursue opportunities for experiences you can learn and grow from. You may have already started with last year’s Libra Solar Eclipse and want to take up a course of study, learn a language, travel, write, and take a chance on yourself.

Pluto is moving to your sign next, so you can use this time with the Libra Solar Eclipse to embrace being bolder and braver. This helps you step into the power that Pluto has in store for you.


Important transformations likely began with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra in 2023, and that continues with the 2024 eclipse and might come to a culmination. You can empower yourself, take control, and have a stronger will that can get you through anything.

You can take the initiative with transformations that help you open up more changes with Pluto, and you can feel more in control of those changes. Take them seriously, and work passionately.

Embrace Connection & Compromise!

This can be a helpful period for connecting in new ways, with new people, and entering into new commitments. We can be compromising and willing to help others, and don’t have to force our own way.

This Solar Eclipse, coupled with the Pisces Lunar Eclipse, urges us to be gentler and less crazed. Pluto may try to instigate things, but if we can exercise self-control, we can prevent that from wrecking everything and instead turn it into a positive.

It’s seven years before we’ve got this Libra eclipse energy again, so make the most of it while you can. Keep calm and embrace the Libra!

Related article: The Ultimate Guide to Lunar & Solar Eclipses

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