Your Weekly Tarotoscope for January 13th – 19th, 2025

weekly tarotscope jan 6

Can you believe the middle of January is already upon us? This week, as we ease further into the energy of 2025, we have some room to sit with the astrological happenings already underway. The first and only major astrological shift of this week happens on the 19th, as the Sun moves into Aquarius and heralds in Aquarius season.

This means you have some time to digest what’s already unfolded and also continue reflecting on anything that feels yet to be resolved from 2024.

With that freedom in mind… where should your personal focus be? We’ve consulted the Tarot about what’s next for you.

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for January 13 – 19, 2025


8 of Swords (Reversed)

Aries needs to move outside of their comfort zone, but it’s all easier said than done.

The 8 of Swords hints that your biggest enemy at this time… might be yourself. You’ve been holding yourself back from true success, perhaps afraid to step into the limelight or insecure about your capabilities.

Whatever the case, the reversal of this card adds that you’re ready to move beyond these fears and restrictions, but it’s not going to be an overnight process.

Trust yourself, Aries. Be the bold, brave ram we all know you to be!


The Hermit (Reversed)

Taurus, do you trust yourself?

The Hermit is usually a strong beacon of wisdom and light, but the reversal notes some uncomfortable complications getting in the way of accessing those benefits.

You may be suddenly questioning your own insights, feeling uncertain about your judgment, or, on the flip side, finding yourself entirely overthinking every little thing.

It’s not easy to balance out the relationship between ourselves… and our minds. Taurus, this week is all about harmonizing that connection again.


Page of Wands

Gemini has been embracing a whole lotta Fire lately!

You’re still on that spontaneous, adventurous flair with the Page of Wands coming forward upright for you this week.

This is a solid week for trusting your instincts, pursuing new ideas, and perhaps even venturing outside of your home turf — a little travel for those who can afford to do so. This expressive, exciting card ignites everything that you touch either way!


9 of Swords

Cancer, don’t let those anxieties get the better of you, no matter how tempting it really is.

The 9 of Swords is a tumultuous card of mental frustrations, anxiety, and nightmares. Your darker thoughts are surfacing, and they’re seemingly impossible to shake.

When we’re in this state of wrestling with our own heads, it can feel endless, like there isn’t a light at the end of the tunnel in sight.

However, know that this is the energy for this week… and it’ll turn over anew soon, as long as you face it head-on, honestly willing to see it for what it is. (After all, the shadow only fears your own illumination).


5 of Swords (Reversed)

Leo, life has been feeling more complicated than it should.

The 5 of Swords highlights a competitive environment in your surroundings. Everyone always wants something more, and they’re not afraid to step on some toes to get to their goals.

You’re trying to move away from this toxicity and hyper-competitiveness with the reversal of this card, but some Leos may struggle with the aftermath.

You’ve still absorbed a lot of that negative talk and attitude, and some intentional cleansing and refreshing may be required to fully put up that boundary.


The Star

Virgo dealt with the tumultuous Tower card last week, and is rewarded with some healing and rejuvenation during this one!

The Star offers you a fresh start, even if it isn’t immediate or glamorous. This card of spiritual healing and softness slows down your pace and shines a kind, gentle light onto your process of rest.

In other words, you’re picking yourself back up again this week, Virgo.

Don’t overexert yourself. We all know it’s tempting for Virgos to rush back into the grind and hustle of the work you had planned for yourself, but now is the time for healing and gentleness… with yourself.


Queen of Swords

Libra is embracing their truly fair, balanced, and logical self.

You’re known for your diplomatic disposition, but the Queen of Swords emphasizes these qualities even more than usual this week.

Currently, your head is quite clear, and your intentions are fair, reasonable, and level-headed. This is a good week for making important decisions, holding essential conversations, and signing off on any major contracts that may be outstanding.


Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is spinning for Scorpio… but what does it all mean?

This card of good fortune aligns you with the larger forces that may be, even if it also comes at a minor expense of being less in control of your current circumstances.

You’re meant to reconnect with the Universe and a grander sense of purpose right now, which may make life feel hazy or strange at times, as if you’re just a passenger along for the ride in your own trip.

However, this is undoubtedly a positive omen, and it indicates that you’re on the right path… even if you can’t see exactly how yet.


The Chariot

Sagittarius is finally getting some action and momentum going!

You’ve been doing a lot of reflecting, pausing, and thinking over the past few weeks. It’s been very “stop and go” for Sagittarius… but it’s time to put a firm stop to that now.

The Chariot shows you pushing forward with long-term goals and ambitions, connected now to your true passions and purpose, and meant to pursue some practical plans while being aligned with a firm sense of self.

Our advice for you as you keep the momentum flowing? Be confident, smart, and empowered. You already have everything you need for success, Sagittarius.


King of Swords

Capricorn, all’s fair in love and… well, everything.

The King of Swords shows Capricorn in a firm, logical, and practical disposition for the week. Your head is clear, and your thoughts are aligned. You are ready to pass judgment and make final calls on anything and everything.

This can be quite a fearsome sight to behold, as Capricorn is already known for their serious edge. Use this to your advantage!

While others are listening and paying attention, use your voice for the forces of good and productivity. Even if what’s on your mind is an unpopular idea, they may thank you later for whatever seems “unfair” now.


Ace of Swords (Reversed)

Aquarius is trying to summon the courage and intrigue that they so do desire, but it’s not coming easily.

The Ace of Swords reversed points to stagnation and setbacks continuing as you seek new beginnings and motivation, but life just isn’t going your way still.

This can feel like when you have a word on the tip of your tongue, but you just can’t remember it… but to a degree of x10. It’s frustrating, tiring, and much more annoying than it seems.

But don’t push yourself to run a marathon when your body is telling you it’s not ready to even do a small sprint. When you’re prompted to slow down… slow down, Aquarius.



Pisces, you’ve always been a force to be reckoned with, even if others don’t often see it.

This week, Strength shows you connecting with the blessings of compassion, willpower, and fortitude — qualities you’ve honed and practiced extensively and have blossomed into real powerhouses for you to use.

These aren’t the loudest or most glitzy qualities, and they don’t always win friends or awards quickly.

But they’re a part of who you are, and this week is all about honoring these traits, using them wholeheartedly, and standing firm in what makes you… you.

How to Prepare for Aquarius Season

The Tarot is one of our favorite ways to connect with ourselves, the Universe, and any unseen forces.

However, it isn’t the only way to set up a productive roadmap for the times ahead. Navigating unpredictabilities is easier when you have a strong grip on multiple areas of expertise… whether spiritually or with life in general, of course.

That’s why we like to collect well-rounded resources for you to use alongside your Tarotscope. Here are our essential recommendations for this week:

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