Your Weekly Tarotscope for December 16th – 22nd, 2024

weekly tarotscope december 16

We all have our biases when it comes to astrological seasons — our favorites, our least favorites, and those that we may even just not know enough about.

However, one of the perks of studying astrology and developing opinions about the zodiac signs is that it’s a hands-on study, and you’ll experience the energy of an astrological season firsthand every year as the events roll around and the tides change.

This week, you’ll get that opportunity with Capricorn season as the Sun moves into this Earthy, practical sign on the 21st. What does that mean for you? Well, it can depend on your own zodiac sign’s energy, your personal circumstances, and your plans for the moment.

Everyone is different, which is why we like to explore what’s ahead with the Tarot for a clearer picture that zooms in on your experience (with a personal flair).

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for December 16 – 22, 2024



Aries, the alchemist is calling your name.

Temperance, the card of the alchemist, is on the table for you right now. This week, you’re called to find patience, balance, clarity, and creative control within yourself.

This means approaching your schedule with moderation and thoughtfulness, as well as things like keeping a healthy mix of heart, mind, and body in all things.

Although Aries tends to rush into life head-first, this card asks you to keep the peace right now — and you may be rewarded generously!


Queen of Swords (Reversed)

Taurus, clarity has never seemed so far… but why?

With the Queen of Swords reversed, you’re struggling to keep control over your headspace, occasionally feeling too buzzy or excitable, or, on the flip side, completely burnt out and without a clue.

The problem is that you may be trying to do too much at once or, at the very least, trying to handle your life alone.

That’s right — this week, you may have to slow down, ask for help, and lean on others in order to find clarity again.


9 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Gemini has been working hard… but lately, there doesn’t seem to be much time for the “playing hard” part of living.

The 9 of Pentacles reversed presents a tricky conundrum; you want to reward yourself for everything you’ve done up to this point, but it feels like there isn’t any time (or some Geminis may not even feel worthy of it yet).

Times of self-care and withdrawing your energy from hard tasks can put you off of your rhythm, so you want to make sure you’re timing it properly.

It may not be time to slow down entirely just yet, but this card acknowledges that some rest and replenishment are still necessary for keeping pace.


Judgement (Reversed)

Cancer is known for their quiet, understated wisdom that tends to shine through in dark times.

Your emotionally mature disposition can be a guiding light for others in times like this, and so you’re used to being someone who, like it or not, is seen as having a lot of the answers (most of the time, at least).

However, with Judgement reversed, you’re not feeling up to the task right now, suddenly feeling uncertain, foggy, and unclear in your heart and head.

Don’t push yourself to be “on it” right now if you’re not feeling it. There is no need to force an answer that isn’t there, Cancer.


The Emperor

Leo, it’s time to let that inner lion roar!

The Emperor is a card of leadership, confidence, and stepping up to the plate. Be loud, be proud, and be bold — let your voice be heard and your opinions echo.

You have the ability to have a profound impact on others right now and also to make great headway in personal projects, major decisions, and self-confidence.

This week, allow yourself to be a little braver, a little louder, and a little more in the spotlight.


Page of Cups

Virgo has a reputation for being a stickler for organization, sometimes earning you a perfectionist title.

However, a little-known fact about Virgos that is sometimes overshadowed by this more serious reputation is that you’re also a highly creative, adaptable sign, being Mutable at heart.

With the Page of Cups on the table for you, you’re invited to express that creative, whimsical, and more imaginative side of yourself right now.

Lead with intuitive spontaneity, spiritual curiosity, and artistic instincts this week.


2 of Swords

Libra wants balance, answers, and clarity, but your pursuit of the truth might be taking you to uncomfortable territory.

The 2 of Swords presents a crossroads. You may be at a defining decision-making point of your life right now, or suddenly feeling indecisive in general about what your next steps should be.

You’re a sign that likes to see all sides of a situation in order to make a fair, thoughtful choice.

However, there may come a point where sitting and thinking won’t get you any further than… well, sitting. You’ll need to find trust within yourself this week to push forward even when you don’t have the answers you want just yet.


The Hermit (Reversed)

Leave it to Scorpio to enter a bit of a moody, contemplative phase for the changing of an astrological season.

With The Hermit reversed you may be suddenly swarmed by self-doubt, questioning, and wanting more answers and insights… although they’ve somehow never seemed so far.

This card notes that you are someone with a lot of good ideas and knowledge but that you’re also having a hard time accessing them right now.

Don’t push yourself to illuminate something that wants to sit in the shadows… but don’t get stuck in wallowing in those shadows either, Scorpio.


The Moon (Reversed)

Sagittarius, when chaos takes over, you’re not one to shy away from the storm.

The Moon reversed can present some real inner stirring — questioning, unveiling of truths, epiphanies, weird dreams, and beyond.

The unconscious is moving at unpredictable, odd paces for you right now, and the intuition may fluctuate between wildly strong and incredibly elusive.

In weird times such as these, you’re called to roll with the punches, observe and take note of what you can, and take care of yourself. And don’t rush to any major decisions or commitments; just let this tide pass for what it is first.


3 of Pentacles

Capricorn, teamwork can and will make the dream work, as the old saying goes!

Despite this week ushering in the beginning of your astrological season, this card is not just about you.

The 3 of Pentacles is actually more about collective efforts, finding a groove that works for a group or team, and collaborating closely with people around you.

Even if you don’t have anyone in mind that you want to work with, consider this card as a reminder to seek outside opinions and remain open to third-party perspectives for now.



Aquarius is embracing change and strange endings, but it’s all very much “meant to be.”

The Death card can be a scary sight for those uninitiated to the Tarot, but this card only closes out doors that are necessary to be sealed out, and will also leave the pathway open for you to walk toward new ones.

Transformation, change, and progress are your central keywords right now, Aquarius.

You may have already had a feeling that something is brewing, that something must change, or that life is meant to take you in a new direction. It’s time to lean in and surrender to it all.


The Chariot (Reversed)

Pisces, know this: progress takes many shapes and forms.

The Chariot reversed can point to difficulties with confidence, self-actualization, and fully pursuing the plans and goals that you really want.

Life isn’t panning out in the way that you’d expected, and it’s easy to play the comparison game. However, don’t feed into a vicious cycle of insecurity and let it prevent your progress even further.

Stop the cycle here and let the Chariot wheels roll again, moving forward into optimistic, positive territory for the future.

How to Use This Week’s Energy

With your Tarotscope up your sleeve, you’re already one step closer to being prepared and ready for action… in true calculated Capricorn spirit!

Take a few notes on parts of your Tarotscope that stuck out to you, that particularly resonated with you, or that maybe don’t even make a lot of sense yet (as the future is still in your hands and yet to be seen, after all).

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