Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for February 10th – 16th, 2025

weekly tarotscope feb 10

Powerful emotions, intense dreams, and the potential for essential epiphanies to come to the forefront… it certainly seems like a Full Moon is underway this week!

This week, we’ll experience a Full Moon in Leo on the 12th, followed by Mercury entering dreamy Pisces on the 14th, too (easing us into the impending Pisces season next week).

This set of energy can be emotionally intense, but it also opens our hearts to our true potential (and perhaps the potential of our relationships with others, too, as Mercury in Pisces can be a gateway to romantic communication).

Of course, how it manifests for you may vary. That’s why we check in, of course, with the Tarot’s insights! Here’s what it had to say for your zodiac sign this week.

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for February 10 – 16, 2025


5 of Cups

Aries, face your emotions head-on… or they’ll face you in a less comfortable way first.

The 5 of Cups points toward loss, disappointment, and emotional discontentment you may be experiencing.

During this week, all of those tougher aspects of the heart are coming to the surface, and it’s best to process them honestly, openly, and with true vulnerability.

Don’t dwell on negativity, but know that it’s okay to feel what you need to feel and process what may have been left unprocessed.


King of Cups (Reversed)

Taurus, stand firm in who you are and how you feel.

The King of Cups reversed complicates your relationship with yourself, your heart, and your emotions.

You may be feeling less certain about what you feel and less confident in your ability to express your needs. As a result, this week is an essential time for re-grounding yourself in your authentic emotional desires before making any big decisions.

You deserve to feel safe, emotionally secure, and at ease with your heart. Take this time to remember those things… and to fully believe them, too.


Knight of Cups

Gemini has a lovely week for romance, creativity, and emotional contentment in their cards!

More specifically, the Knight of Cups is just one card… but it does point to all of those things! You’re on your way to powerful self-expression, deeper emotional connections, and empowering yourself and others to dig your heels more deeply into those things.

In other words, this is a week of both action and emotion.

You’re called to embrace, fortify, and pay special attention to your relationships with others, as well as lead with your heart and intuition.


2 of Swords (Reversed)

Cancer, indecision can be a nasty bug to squash, but you’re aiming to do just that.

The 2 of Swords reversed shows you attempting to push away your negative, indecisive, and stagnating thoughts.

Self-doubts and confusion over what to do next may have been plaguing your mind and heart recently. And it still may be lingering over the next week, too, but you’re making strong strides toward clarity and self-confidence again.

Continue to be proactive in fighting away this inner fog, and you’ll come out the other side stronger and more secure, Cancer.


The Devil

Leo, the answers you seek may exist in the shadow, not the light.

This week, The Devil challenges you to examine anything that may be lingering and hovering over your head and heart. What have you been avoiding? What baggage hasn’t been fully cleared out?

This doesn’t have to be as “extreme” as you may initially think, and can also involve harmful habits that build up over time, or even relationships that have stagnated and only hold you back.

Whatever it may be for you, honesty is the best policy. Face this card head-on, and you will be rewarded in the long run, Cancer.


8 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Virgo wants to work hard… but they might need to play hard first!

The 8 of Pentacles reversed shows you stagnating with your work, responsibilities, and productive plans of action.

You want to check those items off your to-do list, but somehow, the motivation just isn’t finding you, or maybe the time to do it all simply isn’t materializing.

Don’t force yourself to work when it may only push you into burnout, Virgo. Listen to your body’s signals and slow down intentionally when you need to, as this may actually be the most productive course of action you can take.


9 of Cups

Libra, your desires and dreams are on the table for examination this week!

The Full Moon may be igniting your imagination and whimsical perspectives of the world, as the 9 of Cups indicates that now is the time for thinking big and feeling deeply, too.

In other words, go big… and no matter what, don’t limit what you believe is possible.

Now is the time for manifesting, imagining, and planning in alignment with your heart’s truest, purest desires — which may not always be the “practical” way of doing things.


4 of Pentacles (Reversed)

It’s true that Scorpio likes their privacy, but this week calls you into the public sphere more than usual.

The 4 of Pentacles reversed asks you to be unselfish with your energy and loosen your grip on what you have control over.

You may be protecting yourself from people invading your energy and taking up your time and resources, which is understandable. But you also need to find a balance within that so that others can reach you with love and positive intentions, too.

This week, you’re asked to be more “open” than “closed.”


9 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Sagittarius isn’t seeing a return on investment… yet.

The 9 of Pentacles reversed warns Sagittarians that this isn’t exactly the week for material reward or abundance, even though you may be hoping for or expecting that soon.

However, it is a good opportunity for reflecting on how you can fill up your own cup a bit more in the meantime. This is a solid week for self-care and indulging in what you want to do, allowing more space for “me time.”

The world isn’t ready to financially or materially offer you more just yet. But in order to prepare for when it eventually is, you’re called to get into that energy proactively.


7 of Wands (Reversed)

Capricorn, now is not the time to play hero.

The 7 of Wands reversed asks you to put down the sword and shield and just be yourself, as well as be willing to ask for help.

Not everything has to be an uphill battle, and this isn’t the time to make it one. Don’t overwork yourself, don’t isolate yourself, and don’t get caught up in everything that needs to get done when plenty of things are still in motion, left undecided and uncertain.

Sometimes, a watchful, observant eye with a supportive base around you can be more useful than jumping head-first into action.


Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)

Aquarius, what material progress would you like to see yourself complete?

This week, the Knight of Pentacles reversed asks you that question directly, as any actual steps in your career or finances right now may not lead anywhere fruitful.

However, this will ultimately be a redirection of sorts, as this card presents an opportunity for deeper reflection, planning, and thoughtful consideration of how your resources and time are being distributed.

Getting into a reflective (yet also very practical) mindset will be your key to success this week.



Pisces, can you see the larger vision at work?

Judgement seems to say that you can, at least during this week! You’re ready to see the bigger picture, connect your personal intentions with a greater mission, and put yourself out there in the world in a meaningful way.

Others may seek your perspective this week, and you’re encouraged to offer any sage advice or ideas that you’ve been holding onto.

Trust your vision, insights, and instincts right now. You’re onto something good!

Your Guide to Your Tarotscope

What do the insights of your Tarotscope mean to you?

Currently, they may not resonate on the level that they’re meant to… yet. After all, we can’t always understand or predict how the energy of a Tarot card will pan out for us as time passes.

Remember that sometimes the insights of the Tarot mean something different to us later in the week as our lives unfold, and the messages resonate in a more visceral, personal way.

We recommend checking in with the insights of your Tarotscope throughout the week and even looking back at the end of the week for deeper self-reflection.

How will you use your Tarotscope to your advantage?

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