Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Nov 30, 2024 - The energy today is very positive, and lots of signs are going to use it to their advantage one way or another, and while it’s all well and good and the stars want everyone to enjoy it, you’re going to be experiencing today’s transits in rather sleepy sectors of your chart. What this all means is that today’s MO is more about putting on rose-colored glasses and letting your fantasies fuel your engines rather than putting in all the effort and getting work done.

With the intuitive Moon moving through your sleepy 12th House you’re not going to want to do much of anything but rest and engage in soul-nourishing activities, so instead of donning a power suit or pencil skirt give yourself to putter around in your pajamas as long as you like and then continue to do as you like; no one need tell you otherwise today.

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