Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Apr 15, 2024 - Apr 21, 2024

Just when you thought it was time to power down, the planets decide to send you off on another pleasure cruise for the next four weeks! On the 19th the primal Sun blasts out of Aries and of your foundational 4th House and jumps into Taurus and your fun-loving 5th House of Creativity and Passion. This cycle is all about enjoying life and the beauty it has to offer, so don’t be surprised if work is the last thing on your mind for the time being. Kick up your heels and go dance in the sun, preferably with someone who stokes your fires by your side, because this transit is going to make life feel more like a fairy tale than it has in some time. That being said, if you really want to find some new way to earn a few extra dollars or work your way up a few rungs of the professional ladder, then see if you have any talents or creative hobbies you could turn into a revenue stream. Putting yourself out there will be absolutely worth it when the applause and rewards start rolling in.

This fabulous energy reaches a major crescendo on the 20th, when lucky Jupiter and eccentric Uranus align in Taurus and your 5th House for the first time since 1941. This is a truly wonderful combination that is going to stir up all sorts of new opportunities, and the 5th House is just about the best place to host such an alignment. This could be the catalyst for some wonderfully romantic encounters, but this same sector deals with artistic expression so you may be bringing something special to culmination or get the chance to stand in the spotlight and show off your talent. Children are also ruled by the 5th House, so if you have some young ones in your life then they could also provide you with a lot of joy and excitement right now. Mars in Pisces and your 3rd House of Local Community and Communications will make special sextile to Jupiter and Uranus at the same time, amplifying the positivity and opportunity on offer.

The 21st might feel a bit intense, as the Sun will make a potent square to Pluto in Aquarius and your 2nd House of Earned Income, which could stir up some insecurities around finances, or perhaps you feel like your pleasures are costing a bit more than they should. You may, however, also decide to turn a creative hobby into a money-making opportunity, so look around your life for new ideas to make things happen and you should come up with quite a few solutions.

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