Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Feb 17, 2025 - Feb 23, 2025

There are several big changes this week, Capricorn, but they are all changes you can look forward to. The primal Sun is leaving your money sector on the 18th, meaning it’s time to ease up on burning the midnight oil and instead get ready to change your focus. The Sun is bouncing into Pisces and your lively 3rd House of Communications and Local Community, so don’t be surprised if your calendar suddenly starts filling up with invitations and appointments. You can use this period to try and increase your business contacts and also strengthen the relationships you already have; it’s also a great time for self-promotion so if you’ve got a message consider getting a PR deck put together to roll out your grand idea. Romance isn’t especially highlighted under this transit as it tends to focus more on platonic relationships, but that doesn’t mean you can’t meet new people who will introduce you to very appealing other people down the road. Don’t hide yourself away!

The 20th features a balancing Half Moon in Sagittarius and your 12th House of the Subconscious. This is a time to check in on your mental health and make sure you haven’t been pushing yourself too hard along in a time of uncertainty. Don’t feel guilty if you want to just be by yourself and focus on you; it’s your time, not anyone else’s. This is also a terrific cycle to get creative and let the Muse come out to play, so if you have any ideas percolating on the backburner feel free to bring them into the heat.

Mars will take center stage on the 23rd when it finally turns direct after spending the last ten weeks moving backwards in retrograde motion, a cycle which began in Leo and your 8th House of Shared Resources, but then backed up into Cancer and your 7th House of Relationships at the start of January. During this time, you may have experienced a lot of difficulty when it came to getting on the same page as anyone, whether they were already in your life or someone you considering letting in for a longer stay. Fortunately, with Mars moving forward once again, you’ll be able to make lasting partnerships and improve your existing ones, so know that life is about to get much easier in that sense. The red planet will continue in this same house into April, so you have plenty of time to capitalize on it.


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