Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Mar 24, 2025 - Mar 30, 2025

This week can feel lively and sleepy all at the same time, Capricorn. On the 27th, Venus will retrograde out of Aries and your foundational 4th House of Feelings and Family and return to Pisces and your buzzy 3rd House of Local Community and Communications, where it will almost instantly conjunct magical Neptune, casting a beautiful glow over everything and encouraging you to break out and go see what is happening in your area. Mercury will follow suit only two days later on the 29th, returning to Pisces and blending with Neptune, which will encourage more positivity, but with Mercury also retrograde, beware about taking people at face value, as it can be easy to say things we don’t mean under this combination. Mercury will turn direct here on April 7th, and Venus will follow suit on the 12th, so these themes will remain in play for a bit longer.

Also on the 29th, the Aries New Moon illuminates the heavens, which also just so happens to be a game-changing Solar Eclipse. This lunation will be impacting your domestic 4th House of Family and Foundations, so get ready for change to happen on a very fundamental level. You could decide it is time to start looking for a new place to hang up your hat, or perhaps you just decide you need to do some redecorating and other little adjustments around the house, but since this is an eclipse you can bet that these changes will be quite palpable. Watch the weeks ahead for something special to happen in relation to these matters, because eclipses never arrive without bringing something spectacular in their wake.

Neptune moves to the front of the line on the 30th, when it will leave Pisces behind and move into Aries for the first time since the 1800s. Neptune will remain here until October, when it will retrograde back into Pisces for one last visit before returning to Aries in spring of 2026, where it will remain for roughly the next decade and a half, but for now you are embarking on a lengthy new process of redefining what your foundations mean, what family means to you, and your ideas and beliefs about where you come from, both in your early years, and in your long-term ancestry. This won’t be an overnight process by any means, but in time you will find you have developed completely different ideas and beliefs around these topics, and they will allow you to move through the world as a new and improved version of yourself.


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