Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Jan 20, 2025 - Jan 26, 2025

Your finances are up for inspection early this week. The Sun just entered your 2nd House of Income last week, and on the 21st it will align with Pluto at the same degree, which can stir up feelings around financial security and whether or not you feel comfortable with your monetary situation. Pluto can turn your attention to the matters in the shadows, things you might not normally want to examine, so don’t be shocked if you suddenly have an attack of the green-eyed monster, or have an inexplicable scarcity mindset; beware making things seem more intense than they actually are.

Also on the 21st, we get a balancing Half Moon in Scorpio and your 11th House of Social Networks. Life may have felt pretty limited lately, and it’s more than likely you’re chomping at the bit to meet a few new people or at least interact with someone different than the people you’ve surrounded yourself with for the last couple months. A chance to shake things up might arrive under this energy, but don’t expect too much to happen at once; half moons are neither seeding time nor for harvesting, but a check-in phase, so do just that and check in.

Fortunately, the 26th arrives with an exciting alignment in the heavens between pleasure-loving Venus in Pisces and your 3rd House of Local Community and Communications, and Uranus, the planet of surprise. Uranus is currently in Taurus and your fun-loving 5th House of Romance and Creativity for an extended seven-year stay, redefining the way you express yourself, both in a performative sense and in relation to others. Although it’s impossible to say just what, precisely, Uranus will bring your way–it is the planet of surprise, after all–thanks to the fact that Venus is on the receiving end of this beam, it looks as though the Goddess of Love will be bringing something quite pleasant your way. Surprise or not, you’ll surely enjoy it.

The 26th will incorporate another angle, this time a supportive sextile between Mercury in your sign and 1st House, and Neptune in your chatty 3rd House. This would be a perfect day to hit the town and see what is going on in your area, because chances are good you’ll discover some new spots or hang-outs that quickly become part of your usual routine, whether it’s a new brunch spot or athletic studio. You could also meet some new people who are outside your usual social circles, but this newness will be a wonderful thing and feel like a breath of fresh air, so be willing to circulate and see who you meet in the process.


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