Your Weekly Tarotoscope for June 12 – 18, 2023

pair of hands holding up a spread of blue tarot cards behind a row of candles

It’s time to let in new opportunities and fresh energy — are you ready to receive it?

With Saturn in Retrograde in Pisces taking place on the 17th of this week, we’re preparing to examine what’s holding us back spiritually and emotionally. It’s time to examine what parts of your life aren’t allowing in that fresh start.

Plus, with the New Moon in Gemini closing out our week on the 18th, we’ll have a lot of those fresh ideas come to the forefront of our minds and lives so that we can get a reminder of what this is all for.

Because this week can contain some obstacles thanks to the Saturn retrograde but also some blessings because of the New Moon in Gemini, it’s helpful to know how these energies will likely manifest on a more personal level.

Let’s see what the Tarot has to say!

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for June 12 – 28, 2023


9 of Cups (Reversed)

Aries may not be connecting with their desires as easily this week.

Although the overarching vibe of the moment is definitely meant to connect you to new dreams and aspirations and help you identify what’s holding you back, the 9 of Cups reversed hints that for you, it may just feel like a whole lot of the “being held back” part.

For Aries, it’s time to reflect upon which parts of your dreams you may have outgrown and also (very honestly) examine why you may stagnate in the department of aspirations and dreams.

It won’t feel comfortable, but it’s an important process to undergo.


Queen of Wands

Taurus is embracing a Fiery disposition and independent attitude this week.

With the Queen of Wands at your disposal, it’s time to take on the world according to the beat of your own drum. This week is about not needing anyone else’s approval and boldly going after what you feel is right.

This may also be a good week for accepting or initiating new projects, carrying out the tasks lingering on your to-do list, or just overall maintaining a productive, can-do attitude.

Ready to take on the world?


6 of Swords

Gemini, sometimes you must be willing to let things go to make space for something new.

Although you clearly feel the intuitive tug in a new direction, it may feel like it’s all coming at a hefty cost. The 6 of Swords indicates that you may have to embrace moving on into a distant unknown and, in the process, let go of a lot of what is familiar to you.

Whether it’s familiar habits, places, or people, it’s time to examine what parts of your current life may not be as productive to your long-term vision.

Remember that “familiar” doesn’t always mean “good.”


King of Swords

Cancer has some big-picture ideas for where they’d like to go next.

In fact, with the King of Swords on the table, your head should feel crystal clear this week. It’s your time to hold the sword or scepter to lead with confidence and clarity.

Others may even be looking to you for advice, wisdom, or support during this time. You’re the voice of reason, and your mind is ready to tackle any problem that gets thrown its way.

Trust your inner voice this week to lead you to victory.


The Hermit (Reversed)

Leo may be struggling to know what the “right” next steps should be.

As The Hermit reversed clouds up your judgment and sense of clarity, it may feel like you’re more disconnected from your own sense of wisdom and understanding than usual.

Although you clearly want to seek the truth and understand the voice of intuition and wisdom within yourself, it may be difficult to discern what is truly that voice versus what is a thought that is just saying what you want to hear.

This week is about picking and peeling through those thoughts and ideas… and listening closely to how your heart and intuition respond to each.


The Lovers (Reversed)

This week is all about connection and choices for Virgo.

With The Lovers reversed you may be juggling a lot of voices, hearts, and differing opinions surrounding you. Everyone is calling for your attention, and everyone wants something different from you.

There’s a lot to handle right now, and emotions are running high thanks to this. It may feel difficult to really connect with what you want amidst the chatter of what everyone else wants.

Schedule some “me time” this week very intentionally so that you can also hear the voice that matters most: your own.


The Fool

Libra, you’re finally ready to take a leap and venture into the wild unknown!

The Fool is a blessing that foretells new beginnings, fresh starts, and wide-open doors. This week should feel like a new leaf has turned, and you’re starting fresh in many areas of life.

It may not actually feel as obvious for some Libas, as the changes that The Fool brings forward don’t necessarily have to be flashy. They can be subtle attitude shifts, small blessings, etc., to begin with.

The important part is to embrace an open-minded, open-hearted attitude and expect the unexpected.


10 of Wands (Reversed)

Scorpio is asked to put down the extra weight this week.

In other words, the 10 of Wands reversed indicates that you’ve been carrying far too much. Perhaps you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, or you’ve just suddenly found yourself carrying stress when you don’t really need to be.

You don’t need to go it all alone, and you don’t need to do everything all at once. Be honest with yourself about what you can really handle right now.

It’s not about giving up or calling yourself weak. It’s about acknowledging that you’re only human, and sometimes we all need a break.


The Star (Reversed)

Sagittarius’ new beginnings and opportunities are creeping in very slowly.

The Star reversed hints that healing and refreshing energy is on the table, but it may first come with a lot of revisiting old wounds or pains, and you’ll have to be honest about the present-day obstacles that are holding you back first.

You may want to excitedly move on to the next big thing, but this card asks that you acknowledge where there is still room for healing before doing so.

What wounds still need patching up? They may not be so obvious this time.


3 of Pentacles

Capricorn is playing a collaborative, supportive role in today’s chaotic world.

The 3 of Pentacles notes your willingness to learn. While everyone is absorbed in their own new ideas and ventures, dealing with the hubbub of what’s holding them back, and so on — you’re not really needing something shiny and new to please you.

In fact, you may be called to offer a helping hand, to play the role of student or apprentice instead of a leader, or engage in more practical, day-to-day tasks instead of the flashy stuff this week.


King of Wands (Reversed)

Hold on, Aquarius. The ego may be easily bruised this week.

With the King of Wands reversed, representing your current energy, you may feel slightly on edge. When things fall out of your control, it may be easy to see that as a reflection of something wrong within you, even if that’s not the case.

Frustrating emotions like anger or angst may pop up easily this week, but you’re called to not take the chaos of the world as personally right now.

The Universe is saying, “It’s not you. It’s me.” Hear it out!


7 of Swords

Pisces may be needing to get a little crafty, a little mischievous.

As always, with the 7 of Swords, there’s a fine line that needs to be walked here. On the one hand, this card can challenge you to think outside of the box and point out where the convention isn’t useful for you right now.

On the other hand, you need to be able to identify where you’d be crossing the line — you don’t want to abandon your values or morals altogether, so it’s important to still be moving in a way that resonates with your authentic self and soul.

Think and move creatively, but you can be cautious within that process too.

Your Curated Resource List for This Week

Congratulations! You can check off “take in Tarotscope insights” from your spiritual to-do list.

If you want to keep the insight train chugging, you may want to prepare for some of the astrological events occurring this week. Think of it as homework… helping you with your spiritual hygiene!

Get the full picture: Your June 2023 Tarotscopes

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