Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for June 17th – 23rd, 2024

weekly tarotscope june 17

It’s time to tune into what really matters most. Mercury and Venus will enter emotionally attuned Cancer on the 27th, bringing our hearts and minds into a place of love and affection. Additionally, Cancer season itself will unfold on the 20th, propelling us even further into the deep emotional waters of this zodiac sign.

Finally, with a Full Moon in Capricorn taking place on the 21st, we’ve got our hands full with a potent energy that asks us to take our priorities (whether within our relationships with others or ourselves).

As always, we’ve consulted the Tarot for some guidance on how to best proceed with this astrologically jam-packed week.

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for June 17 – 23, 2024


King of Cups (Reversed)

Aries is connecting back with their heart, but it isn’t an easy task.

The King of Cups shows you making honest attempts at regaining control over your heart and emotional prowess. However, this can also involve a level of honesty and vulnerability that isn’t easy.

Hence, the reversal points to some difficulty within that process, potentially making you feel more irritable, unnecessarily nostalgic, or lost in your own heart.

However, this work is worth it, Aries. Don’t lose sight of that.


King of Pentacles

Taurus is standing in their abundant power this week.

The King of Pentacles shows you getting your ducks in a row while also making room and balance to enjoy what you currently have.

In other words, this is a “work hard, play hard” week for you. You’re called to step up to the plate and confidently lead and plan in some aspects of work, career, and finance, but you’re also equally called to show gratitude and appreciation for what currently exists.

With this attitude, the world will truly be your oyster this week!


Ace of Wands (Reversed)

Gemini rushed into action last week with the Knight of Wands but is called to slow down now.

With the Ace of Wands reversed, you may have bitten off more than you can chew and are now feeling burnt out or dispassionate.

Alternatively, you may still be invested in getting things done but the Universe is now not providing as easily. Life around you is slowing down its pace, and not every opportunity is ready to match your enthusiasm.

Either way, the answer here is patience, adaptability, and being willing to slow down.


The Empress

Cancer, this week is all about self-love, abundance, and embracing the beauty of yourself and the world around you.

The Empress shines a positive, abundant light of joy, beauty, and creativity over your week.

This card asks you to keep an open heart and mind, trust in your own power, and cultivate self-love very intentionally. This can be a powerfully productive week if you are able to foster this spirit!

What acts of self-love will you initiate this week?


Page of Swords

This week is all about communication for Leo.

The Page of Swords shows you embracing an expressive, youthful, curious spirit right now.

This is a great week for striking up interesting conversations, jotting down fresh ideas, and problem-solving. You should feel your mind buzzing and energy racing!

What ideas will you share with the world?


The High Priestess

Virgo, it’s time to see what your intuition has to say.

Although there is a time and place for logic and reasoning, The High Priestess invites you to see the truths that exist beneath the surface.

Right now is a potent time for going within, meditating, and perhaps even conducting divination on your own time.

Virgos are known for their strong reasoning and planning, but sometimes, it’s worth it to hear out more unconventional ideas and insights.


5 of Pentacles

Libra is facing some disappointments, but it’s not as bad as it seems!

The 5 of Pentacles indeed points toward losses and setbacks, especially in work and finances.

However, this card also represents turning points—picking yourself back up after difficulties and finding the light after hard times (no matter how difficult it can be in the moment).

You may not be where you want to be, but you can always find your way in the end, Libra.


7 of Cups

Scorpio worked with the 7 of Wands last week and has found themselves in the energy of yet another 7.

This time, the 7 of Cups comes through instead. Like last week, this is a very individual journey, so you can expect a lot of quality alone time for now.

Additionally, this card brings emotional and intuitive questioning to the table. At this point, you may be feeling indecisive and internally cloudy, unsure about what the “right choices” are.

Reserve judgment and don’t rush into any major decisions, but be sure to grant yourself ample time for emotional and intuitive processing.



Sagittarius has their very own card aligned with their energy this week.

Temperance is Sagittarius’ card, the card of the alchemist. This week is all about spirituality, balance, and finding inner peace and prosperity.

With your own card here on the table, you’re also aligned more with your sense of self and purpose.

Right now, it’s all about you and what truly makes you feel fulfilled.


2 of Swords

Capricorn is facing a crossroads this week, and your standard logical approaches won’t work this time.

Although the wise goat is known for their rational and methodical approach to life, the 2 of Swords creates a kind of indecision that can’t be resolved by just “thinking it through.”

You may have to let yourself pause and surrender slightly to simply not knowing; we can’t know everything all the time, after all.

Don’t overexert yourself into overthinking, Capricorn. Let the fog pass on its own.


8 of Cups

Aquarius has been wrestling with difficult themes as of late.

This week, the 8 of Cups shows you putting it all firmly behind you now. You’re trying to move away from the past and release all that does not serve you.

This may also mean letting go of familiar habits, people, and commitments that are comfortable on paper but not intuitively right for you.

Although this is difficult to execute, it’s an important step forward in prioritizing yourself.


Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)

Pisces is struggling to find its flow, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop in your tracks.

Even though the Knight of Pentacles reversed shows you working sluggishly this week, the lack of drive and motivation isn’t a signal to overdo it and push yourself too hard.

You can still find ways to make progress, even if it takes the form of smaller actions and gestures.

Celebrate the little victories and steps this week, Pisces.

How to Connect With This Week’s Energy

You can now check “read my weekly Tarotscope” off your to-do list — but what about everything else?

Don’t worry! We’ve compiled the rest of your to-do list for you.

Keep up with your spiritual hygiene by preparing for the upcoming weekly energy in advance with these resources:

Review the big picture: Your June 2024 Tarotscopes

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