Your Weekly Tarotoscope for October 28th – November 3rd, 2024

weekly tarotscope october 28

The spookiest of the week is here, and you won’t want to miss what the cards have to say! Halloween isn’t even the main event that necessarily requires our attention. Actually, keep your eye on the New Moon in Scorpio on the 1st of November, stirring up all sorts of transformative energy, intense emotions, and powerful intuitive insights.

Plus, Mercury (planet of communication and thought) enters witty and passionate Sagittarius on the 2nd. Optimism and new ideas are floating around and about, and you’ll want to be ready and receptive to catching them while they’re good!

With so much interesting energy afloat, this isn’t a week to pass on the insight of the Tarot. Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for October 28 – November 3, 2024


Death (Reversed)

Aries, change is hard to accept, but it will accept you regardless.

In other words, there is no avoiding the transformative nature of Death when it wants to stir up change in your life.

With the reversal of this card, you may be tempted to run away from the inevitable, clinging onto old versions of yourself or your life that are more familiar.

But this week is all about embracing the unknown newness that is destined to find you, ready or not.


King of Wands

Taurus has yet another confident, powerful energy up their sleeve this month.

You had the Queen of Wands’ confident spark in your hand last week, but this week is all about stepping into the energy of the King of Wands instead.

What’s the difference? Well, you’re still called to be just as brave, just as bold, and just as confident. However, this week may be more about leading others and helping people around you shine.

Direct your inner power outward and see how the world responds Taurus. You may find an unexpected audience awaits.


Page of Swords

Life is much more exciting with Gemini in the picture.

This week is all about embracing that buzzy, witty, and curious side of yourself.

The Page of Swords perfectly captures your adaptable, youthful presence that lights up any space and gently, transformatively pushes for more. Be you, be proud, and be loud, Gemini.

The world is waiting to see what exciting questions and thoughts you have up your sleeve.


Ace of Cups

Cancer, love is in the air. How will you make room for it?

The Ace of Cups is an opportune card of love, laughter, and joy. This intuitively potent, spiritually attuned card is a great sign for romance, relationships, and creative and spiritual projects.

Love comes in many forms, and you may have to keep your eyes peeled for where and how this card will actually manifest.

But rest assured, it is here, and it’s calling your name, Cancer!


Page of Wands (Reversed)

Leo, ambition is your friend, but overexerting yourself isn’t.

The Page of Wands is usually a bright, adventurous, exciting energy that offers plenty of joy and light to go around — usually, this is exactly how you operate.

However, the reversal of this card suggests that burning yourself out is more likely this week, as you may still feel the same waves of ambition and strength but seemingly have less energy to carry it all out.

Focus on the balance between honoring your desires and that inner spark and also ensuring you have enough fuel to keep the fire going!


5 of Wands

Virgo, conflict is afoot, and you may not be able to avoid it.

Although Virgo is known for their orderly, structured, and adaptable approach to life, there are still some forms of chaos that are too big for even you to quell.

The 5 of Wands is an indicator that trouble is brewing and social disruptions are fanning those flames of disarray.

You may be tempted to play the role of mediator, but not all conflicts need one — sometimes, all that is required is a bit of time and patience to allow the storm to pass.


Strength (Reversed)

Libra, life looks a lot brighter when you’re able to focus on what truly counts the most — your own inner power.

Right now, it’s easy to fixate on everything that is “off” or “missing” from your life, like the things you don’t have or the skills you haven’t honed fully just yet.

Strength reversed is a tricky card, highlighting your insecurities and all of the little ways in which you may not feel ready to take on the world around you.

But this energy can force you to tackle these inner clouds head-on, refocusing your vision on everything that you do have in order instead.


The Star (Reversed)

Scorpio needs a fresh start, but it just seems to be escaping your grasp.

The Star reversed is an uncomfortable energy of spiritual renewal that just seems to be evading you.

It’s like you can sense and feel that something new is approaching, but you’re only finding yourself caught in limbo time and time again.

This stagnancy can be frustrating, but it also prompts you to reflect thoughtfully on what kind of renewal you truly need (before it hits you all at once).


10 of Cups (Reversed)

Sagittarius’ week has one plain and simple focus: your long-term happiness and contentment.

Right now, it’s feeling more distant than it should. Although the 10 of Cups can usually be an empowering card of connecting with joy and happiness, the reversal creates a feeling of disorder and confusion.

You may be questioning what you want, why you want it, and how you’re supposed to go about getting it.

Use this powerful week to reconnect with this card in its true, upright form, flipping all of this confusion upside-down once again.


Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)

Capricorn is chasing good fortune, but it doesn’t seem to be chasing you back.

At least, that’s how things can feel when the Wheel of Fortune is reversed. This card in a reversed position complicates your connection to the Universe and the world around you, suddenly creating a foggy haze over your intuitive understanding of your life and its trajectory.

However, just because you are experiencing the feeling of things being “off” doesn’t mean you are actually off track.

Know that this phase of fogginess, like all weather forms, is temporary and will fade with time.



Aquarius has the vision and the knowledge they need to make the right calls.

You just need to trust that this is the case, as Judgement signals that you do indeed have the information you require to advance in all areas of life — career, finances, relationships, and beyond.

However, this powerful set of information and resources is only as good as the person using them, and you’ll have to be confident enough to call the shots, speak your mind, and finalize any major decisions right now.


The Moon (Reversed)

Pisces is facing off with perhaps one of the spookiest cards in the deck, but it’s actually much more familiar than you may realize.

In fact, The Moon is your card, Pisces, associated with your zodiac sign itself. This is your domain — intuition, unconscious power, and hidden info.

Reversed, you may notice that all of these themes are harder to work with in any sort of practical way but also are spotlighted more intensely on an internal level.

While this week’s vibe can be intense for you as a result, know that you’re well-equipped to surf these strange emotional tides.

Your Guide to Spooky Success This Week

Now, you’re geared up with spiritual guidance from the cards.

But what else can be done to prepare for one of the spookiest, most spiritually notorious weeks of the year?

In truth, this week involves heightened mystery and mystique, and a lot of the magic lies in its unknowns. However, we like to think there’s actually quite a lot that can be done in advance!

Here are a few of our favorite ways to prepare:

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