This is looking like a busy, productive week, but there’s only one way to know for sure.
For instance, Venus enters practical and responsible Capricorn on the 11th, pulling our love lives into a more grounded and thoughtful state. It’s time to take our hearts seriously!
Plus, as Saturn goes direct and ends its retrograde on the 15th, we’re finally able to enter a time of our hard work paying off and previous restrictions falling to the wayside.
And finally, with a Full Moon in Taurus on the same day, the Earthy energy is off the charts as we slow down and connect with the present moment in a down-to-earth way.
This can all seem like a lot to digest — we know. That’s why we like to check in with the Tarot to see some clear, personal guidance to wash it all down. Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for November 11 – 17, 2024
10 of Pentacles (Reversed)
Aries, stability seemed like it was just around the corner… but where did it go?
The 10 of Pentacles reversed highlights the strange, elusive nature of financial and material security in your life right now.
You’re reflecting closely on your desired goals and outcomes, but they suddenly slip away for seemingly no reason when you try to reach for them.
This week is all about seriously examining why this disconnect is occurring and hopefully bringing your goals closer to home by the end of it.
6 of Wands (Reversed)
Taurus is willing to applaud and celebrate everyone else’s success, but it seems like no one is willing to return that energy lately.
The 6 of Wands reversed validates the uncomfortable experience you’ve had recently in which none of your efforts seem to be recognized by the people around you.
It may feel impossible to feel seen and understood right now… as if everyone is just looking past you.
This is an essential week for devoting more time to self-love and self-care, as you’ll have to be the one to celebrate yourself, Taurus.
10 of Wands
You are a strong sign, Gemini. The question is… do you have to be?
The 10 of Wands points out the sheer amount that you’re carrying right now. You’re feeling ambitious this week, possibly trying to get as much done as possible.
Although it’s admirable to passionately pursue your dreams and aim to fulfill all expectations, this card also warns against overdoing it.
Just because you can do something all on your own doesn’t mean you should.
Judgement (Reversed)
Cancer, the truth seems to be evading your gaze this week.
You desperately want to understand the full picture and hold onto clarity and insight, but Judgement reversed complicates your clear view.
While it can be frustrating to chase after answers that won’t wait up for you, know that this week can be one of surrendering to unknowns — clarifying and uplifting in its own way, if we do say so ourselves.
Pull back, sit quietly, and relax to find your balance. The answers will find you when they are meant to, Cancer.
Queen of Swords
Leo, step up to the plate! Your leadership is being called upon.
The Queen of Swords shows you embracing your communicative prowess, independence, and bright, adaptable wit.
Your wisdom and expertise are meant to lead the way here, as others are looking to you for guidance and understanding.
What perspectives do you have up your sleeve? This week is all about letting them shine through loud and clear.
Temperance (Reversed)
Virgo, patience is necessary… but it’s hard to summon.
Although Temperance is usually a lovely card of balance, inner alchemy, and peace attained through true patience and stillness, the reversal makes all of these themes harder to access.
We can see you trying to connect with the energy of this card, Virgo. It’s just easier said than done.
You might have to work extra hard to find Temperance within yourself this week but know it’s worth the effort.
Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)
Libra, here’s your key piece of guidance for the week ahead: progress can come in many forms.
With the Knight of Pentacles reversed you’re trying to make practical headway toward your goals (especially with career, skills, and finances).
However, it’s not materializing in the way you’d like, and everything seems to be moving so much more slowly (or not at all).
But just because you aren’t seeing the progress come forward in material benefits just yet doesn’t mean that this isn’t worth your time. Keep going, Libra. Work hard and see where the path takes you from there.
4 of Swords
Finding rest and replenishment is Scorpio’s key to success this week.
After all, if you don’t seek it out yourself, the 4 of Swords hints that the Universe might find a way to slow you down altogether. It’s more than likely that a time of stillness has been long overdue.
Meditate, contemplate, rest up, and reflect. This week favors Scorpios, who are able to find comfort in the quiet.
7 of Swords
Sagittarius, this week, you need to ask yourself one essential question: is the shortcut worth it?
The 7 of Swords indicates that this week presents opportunities to get ahead independently (while also possibly leaving some people behind).
This may mean getting ahead in your goals but also sacrificing your values or morals in the process. You’ll need to be honest about what you’re willing to do in order to get what you want and if you’ll feel that the gains are truly worth it at the end of the road.
Only you know the true answer to this, Sagittarius. Choose wisely!
The Emperor
Capricorn, this is your week to lead and call the shots!
The Emperor shows you sitting in your power — strong, secure, and holding down the fort. Others are relying on you, using you as a shoulder to lean on in trying times.
Express yourself boldly, lead with clarity and order, and pursue your passions, knowing that your next steps are all about laying the secure foundation for a better future.
You got this, Capricorn. The throne was always meant for you.
Knight of Wands
Aquarius is jet-setting off into the sunset… or sunrise?
With the Knight of Wands on the table, you’re definitely advancing into bright futures and positive unknowns, full of ripe potential and opportunity.
This week is all about pursuing your passions, acting spontaneously but confidently, and knowing in your bones that you’re capable of handling anything and everything that gets placed in your path.
Tomorrow is yours for the taking, and the world is your oyster, Aquarius.
7 of Wands
Pisces, the battle ahead isn’t an easy one, but you must know that it is winnable.
The 7 of Wands shows you charging forward at uphill battles, carrying some heavy responsibilities, and expending a lot of effort this week just to stay on top of things.
However, you’re more than capable of handling what you need to.
This isn’t a time for panic or pause — just proceed as you are, stay strong, and remember that you’ve always turned out just fine at the end of everything.
Your Guide to Success for This Week
You can officially check “read my weekly Tarotscope” off your to-do list… but what next?
Don’t fret — we know how stressful it can be to keep up with every astrological transit, Tarot card, or a bit of spiritual guidance and insight. So, to make your life easier, we’ve prepared the rest of your spiritual to-do list!
Here’s what’s up next:
- decompress and journal about your weekly Tarot card
- prep for your Full Moon ritual this week
- recap & review the whole picture through your monthly November 2024 Tarotscope