Read Your January 2025 Tarotscopes Right Now for New Year Wisdom

january tarotscopes

Ready for a whirlwind start to 2025? Venus (planet of love and beauty) will enter dreamy Pisces on the 2nd, immediately propelling us into a whimsical, romantic, and imaginative time for our relationships (with ourselves and others).

Plus, as Mars goes retrograde in Cancer on the 6th, emotions will run even higher, and we’ll need to be more mindful of how our hearts are leading our decisions. This month, we’ll also celebrate a Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th as well, deepening that connection to all things heart-related.

But then, in the latter half of the month, Aquarius energy will pick us back up into expansive, bold, and intellectually stimulating spirits, with Aquarius season taking flight on the 19th, Mercury entering Aquarius on the 27th, and a New Moon in Aquarius taking place on the 29th. 

Feeling overwhelmed? No problem! This is why we consult with the Tarot to centralize your insights and guidance all in one place (with one Major Arcana and one Minor Arcana card each).

Your January 2025 Tarotscopes


Wheel of Fortune & Knight of Cups

Aries, a month of whimsy, creativity, and grand insights is ahead of you!

The Wheel of Fortune offers a highly fortunate, divinely attuned, and whimsical perspective on your month ahead. It hints that this is a time of going with the flow, keeping your hands open for fresh opportunities and new insights, and seeing the bigger picture.

Plus, the Knight of Cups connects you to an energy of intuitive communication and potentially deeper romance if you do so choose. This creatively-empowered card can help you make heart-centered choices and lead with charm and emotion.

Keep an open heart… and you might just have your eyes opened to new possibilities.


The Tower (Reversed) & 9 of Cups

Taurus, the past is behind you, and no longer are you faced with unpredictable catastrophes or difficulties.

The Tower reversed hints that this month is still about cleaning up loose ends and rising from the ashes, recovering from previous chaos and, for some Taurus folks, even harsh endings.

But the 9 of Cups brings a positive energy to the table, too, noting that this is a time of connecting with your true desires.

The Tower has done its job in taking out the trash, and now it’s time to embrace the clean slate in front of you. What do you truly want? Believe that it is yours for the taking now, Taurus.


The Moon (Reversed) & 3 of Cups (Reversed)

Gemini may find that these strange emotional tides are taking them out to sea, and not in a fun way.

The Moon reversed and the 3 of Cups reversed point to difficulty with grappling with your emotions, unconscious, and your relationships with others. You’re feeling confused, disconnected, and intuitively very lost.

As much as you are attempting to find clarity and understanding, this month is about a quieter kind of self-reflection and meditation. You should aim to find peace and stillness whenever possible, setting “rest” as your #1 priority — not full, clear understanding.

After all, a clear mirror is not useful if your eyes are too tired to stay open. Take care of yourself, even if it feels like no one else is on your side.


The High Priestess (Reversed) & 6 of Swords (Reversed)

Cancer is resisting the truths that you know are important deep down.

Combined, The High Priestess reversed and the 6 of Swords reversed show you holding back, not fully ready to see the light.

You may know that there are things in your life (relationships, commitments, goals, bad habits, and so forth) that aren’t right for you, but it’s hard to fully let go when you’re unsure about what would take their place.

This month is about coming to terms with the truth, fully accepting yourself for who you are (which means acknowledging your real needs), and stepping out into the light by the end of it.


The Sun & 4 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Leo is showing up to 2025 with a bright spirit and fresh attitude, ready to take on the world!

With The Sun, you’re embracing your true, authentic self, which only, in turn, makes you radiate more light, joy, and beauty from within. This light is partially seen manifested in the 4 of Pentacles reversed, where you’re also being particularly generous with your time and resources this month too.

It’s important to go with your gut and show up for others in a way that feels right, but remember not to be too haphazard with your energy, too, Leo.

It can feel good to be expressive and spontaneous, but don’t give every part of yourself away to others, either. We wouldn’t want anyone to be in reaching access of dimming your light, after all.


Death & 7 of Wands

Virgo, change is afoot, and you’ve seen it coming from a mile away.

The Death card notes a profound time of transformation and inner progress, closing old doors and making way for the new. You’re taking it on head-first, as the 7 of Wands indicates an independent, go-getter spirit — you’re a fighter, and this month, you’re proving you deserve that title.

It’s not always going to be easy. This month will involve tearing down old beliefs, comforts, and ways of doing things in favor of a new structure, routine, and way of living.

However, it’s all going to be worth it, as this is ultimately in pursuit of the life changes and progression that is truly meant for you. Remember that, Virgo.


The Lovers (Reversed) & Ace of Swords

Libra is actually pushing the heart aside to make way for a different kind of truth and opportunity this month.

Although The Lovers reversed points to confusion surrounding your relationships, intuitively-led decision-making, and your connection with deeper emotions and divine experiences… the Ace of Swords is here to kick down doors and offer opportunities nonetheless.

While your relationships may fall into the background this month, January is still a profound time for seeking clarity and understanding, perhaps from a more objective lens.

And it’s all going to go a lot faster than you realize, Libra, so don’t let that glimmer of insight slip away too quickly, either. Hold onto the gut instincts you do stumble into.


The Star (Reversed) & Queen of Cups (Reversed)

Scorpio, healing is not a linear process, so the saying goes.

And that saying is proving to be very true this month for you, as The Star reversed and Queen of Cups reversed create intensity surrounding your emotions, spiritual pursuits, and any unfinished healing progress.

It’s not coming easily or effortlessly to you this month, Scorpio. And it’s going to be easier to wallow in uncomfortable emotions or let the stagnancy defeat your spirits.

However, this tricky time of stagnancy is an important step in sitting with discomfort, feeling your emotions deeply, and acknowledging what might be lingering, unfinished, or still uncertain.


The Hanged Man & 5 of Cups

Sagittarius is finding pause and reflection, but not all of it is created equal.

The Hanged Man notes that this month can be a powerful time for re-orienting your thinking, offering fresh perspectives and clarity in areas that previously seemed impossible to figure out.

But the 5 of Cups notes that, equally, this month is a time of processing harder emotions, losses, or baggage. And it can be easy to get stuck here, wallowing in the sadness.

Be honest with yourself as you take time for pause and contemplation — is it to see something differently? Or is it to pick at an old wound?


Temperance & Queen of Swords

Capricorn, the answers are here, and you’re the one who holds them now.

Temperance, a profound card of patience and inner peace, adds a lovely wave of calm over your month — although, of course, it’s something you’ve had to earn from hard work, balance, and thoughtfulness.

Coupled with the Queen of Swords, you’re truly sitting in your power this month, independently and intellectually strong. These cards radiate security, inner awareness, and clear minds.

You’ll still need to work to maintain this powerful disposition, but you should also take advantage of this time of self-initiated clarity. What truths would you like to unveil? What important conversations would you like to hold?


The Devil & Ace of Cups

Aquarius, love may find you this month… but so will The Devil.

The Ace of Cups offers fresh starts in love, relationships, and anything related to matters of the heart. This month can be a powerful time for self-reflection, intuitive practice, and spiritual growth.

At the same time, The Devil indicates that in the process of finding a new path, you may have old insecurities and baggage triggered by the sudden change. You may question if any of it is right for you, if you deserve it, or any of those self-doubting, unhealthy thought patterns that are tough to shake.

Moving on to new things is hard, even when they’re the right things. Keep your heart open this month, but make sure to protect it, too, and be gentle with yourself as you push forward.


Justice (Reversed) & 9 of Swords (Reversed)

Pisces, your keyword for this month: truth.

The 9 of Swords reversed shows that you’re trying very hard to let go of anxieties and fears, especially the ones that are clouding up your vision and preventing you from seeing reality for what it is — not all that scary, and actually full of good things for you to experience.

But with Justice reversed, it’s just easier said than done, of course. You’ll need to be kind and patient with yourself as you navigate these themes of confusion, self-doubt, and insecurity.

Know that finding objectivity, balance, and inner stillness is a non-linear process, and embracing self-forgiveness within it can make it move much more smoothly.

Why Your Tarotscope Matters

For centuries, we have looked to the Tarot for guidance, insights, and wonders about our future.

It may seem like a craft shrouded in mystery, seemingly all too distant from the actual mundanities of our day-to-day lives. However, the truth is that the cards can connect us to the intuition and inclinations we already experience within ourselves.

Reading your Tarotscope is one step in a larger process of connecting with the Universe, the world around you, and yourself — becoming more aware of the energy around you and its ebbs and flows.

How will you use it to your advantage?