Your Weekly Tarotoscope for April 1st – 7th, 2024

pair of hands holding up brown tarot cards

This week, emotions and passions run high as Mercury retrograde begins in Aries (on the very 1st of the month, too).

If that’s not enough bold and brash ram energy for you, Venus will enter Aries on the 5th as well, propelling us even further into the spark and intrigue.

You may feel more passionately about your feelings, relationships, and how you want to interact with others — but pesky Mercury retrograde is also complicating how well you can execute those ambitions.

With a complex brew of energy being stirred, we figure that there’s no time better than now to check in with the Tarot to see what the cards advise in your week ahead.

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for April 1 – 7, 2024


The Sun

Aries is shining bright with The Sun up their sleeve!

This card is a positive omen in all endeavors, offering confidence and joy in the very center of your being. Because of this, it shines a little light on every aspect of your life, not just one or two areas.

The key to embracing it fully is to find joy and authenticity in everything that you pursue; every choice and conversation should be approached with a fully honest and open-hearted attitude.


Queen of Wands (Reversed)

Taurus needs to pull their confidence back in order.

The Queen of Wands reversed is telling you that you aren’t utilizing your independence, strength of will, and sense of confidence as clearly or strongly as you should be.

This can be a sign of insecurity or internal disarray. No matter the source of the issue, though, this card asks that you seriously examine your sense of self and pull back on the self-critique.

You’re just as bright and capable as ever, but you need to believe it, too.


Knight of Swords (Reversed)

Gemini, the key to success for this week lies in how you approach communication.

Although the Knight of Swords usually can be a beacon of momentum, swift decisiveness, and approaching conversations head-on, the reversal of this bold card requires more pause.

You may feel the impulse to speak up and act decisively, but those instincts need to be honed just a bit further. You may be more prone to acting too aggressively or quickly.

While it’s great that you want to push forward, this card encourages you to put a little more thought behind how you do so first.


9 of Swords (Reversed)

Cancer, you may not have all the answers right now, but remember that you also… don’t have to.

The 9 of Swords reversed indicates that you may be stressing yourself out unnecessarily. It’s time to put the worries and anxiety away and push forward into the light.

It’s easier said than done, of course. But this card assures you that nothing really is as bad as it seems.

Sometimes, trying and deciding anything can be more productive than struggling to find the “correct” answer (which may not exist).


Wheel of Fortune

There is so much whimsy and wonder in this world, and Leo is on their way to discovering it all!

The Wheel of Fortune offers good fortune and excitement but also asks for a bit of a trust fall. You aren’t called to plan anything and everything out with extensive detail at this time.

Instead, you’re called to surrender to the hands of fate, go with the flow, and move with what feels right in the moment.

Adventure and excitement are on their way so long as you keep your arms (and mind) open to receive them.


Queen of Cups

Virgo, are you ready to tune in with your heart?

With the Queen of Cups, it’s time to settle into the realm of what exists within, to delve into your own unconscious feelings, intuition, and emotions.

Virgos can enjoy the feeling of control and order a little more than most signs, and usually, this can manifest in organizing more practical, mundane tasks and responsibilities.

This week, you may just find that a lot of power and expertise can be pulled from within instead.


7 of Swords

Libra may be tempted over to the “dark side” this week.

The 7 of Swords hints that Libras may feel a little overly independent right now, feeling the need to create shortcuts for themselves or skate ahead to the top without much mind for the consequences.

The truth is that no “shortcuts” (whether it’s white lies or something a little more extreme) really come without consequences.

Eventually, your choices will catch up to you. Be extra mindful and considerate of your words and actions this week.


The Fool (Reversed)

Scorpio, say it with us: just because you can… doesn’t mean you should.

The Fool reversed creates impulsive energy, tempting you to try things sometimes just to feel something.

You may feel antsy and restless, uncertain about your decisions but still not wanting to sit idly.

While the desire for adventure and newness is a good one, you should use this card as an opportunity to thoughtfully reflect on how you actually want to pursue it (and make it genuinely meaningful and long-lasting).


Queen of Pentacles (Reversed)

Sagittarius needs a moment of grounding and re-organizing.

This week is that moment, as the Queen of Pentacles reversed pushes you to evaluate your priorities, how you spend your time, and what motivates you to get your practical, more mundane responsibilities accomplished.

Overall, you may have been feeling out of sync with your schedule and practical senses lately, so this week is your opportunity to get back in touch with that.

Let order be your focus.


The Hierophant (Reversed)

Capricorn isn’t known for straying too far outside of routine, but this week is an exception.

The Hierophant reversed shows you thoughtfully examining your understanding of structure, convention, and authority in your life.

It asks questions like: what have you been taught? What teachings truly resonate with you and which don’t? How do you want to teach others?

Whether you play a literal leadership role in others’ lives or not, people may still be looking to you for guidance — and it’s important to know what you truly want to be sharing with them.


Queen of Swords

If there is one thing Aquarius can always rely on, it’s their own strength of wit.

The Queen of Swords spotlights your intelligence, your problem-solving skills, and your sharp adaptability.

This week is all about having confidence in your mind, utilizing it to the best of your ability, and sharing words of wisdom where and when it makes sense.

So, if you’re uncertain about with which foot you should be leading… refer to your sharp intellectual instincts first.


The Moon (Reversed)

Pisces is trying to peel back layers of intuitive chaos and spiritual mysteries… but it’s not an easy task.

The Moon is always a spiritual powerhouse of a card, upright or reversed. 

The reversal indicates that you may be focusing more on your own internal mysteries more than external chaos, but you still overall embrace a lot of whimsy and unpredictability through this card.

This week is about asking tough questions, getting comfortable with receiving silence as the answer and finding beauty in the process of spiritual questioning.

Your Curated Weekly Spiritual Resources

The world’s chaos can sometimes seem so uncertain and difficult to comprehend.

Tuning in with the Tarot’s guidance can be a helpful compass for navigating the week ahead during times like these. Alongside seeing the larger scope of the Universe’s astrological movements, the cards offer one extra layer of insight and understanding for us on a personal level.

With a well-rounded knowledge of both systems (Tarot and astrology), you can approach your week with confidence, knowing you have all the tools you need.

In case you’re still wanting to brush up on part of that spiritual toolkit, we’ve collected a few essential resources to help out for this week:

Related article: These Are the MOST Important Tranits in 2024

About the Author

Picture of Lexi Hikari

Lexi Hikari

An honest Aries with a grounded Virgo Moon and Rising, Lexi Hikari picked up her first astrology book at age 12, and has loved the language of the stars ever since. She began her Tarot journey as a teenager when she was gifted her first deck by her mother and immediately fell in love with and connected quickly to the practice of card reading.Lexi founded Lightwands Tarot in 2016, and has delivered hundreds of Tarot readings, collected over a dozen decks, and crafted an abundance of Tarot card spreads since then. When she isn’t running her one-woman Tarot gig, she enjoys writing, reading, drinking too many cups of coffee, and exploring other forms of divination.You can also connect with Lexi on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.

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