Your Weekly Tarotscope for August 19th – 24th, 2024

weekly tarotscope august 15 2024

It’s time to make your worldly ambitions and unique dreams intermingle perfectly with reality!

Starting strong and powerfully this week with a Full Moon in Aquarius on the 19th, we are already immediately catapulted into a time of embracing our quirks, uniqueness, and unconventionality.

As we also transition into grounded and secure Virgo season on the 22nd, we’ll be able to put that energy into practical use very soon.

Of course, how we personally use this energy will vary from person to person. That’s why we check in weekly with the Tarot to see what’s up for us on a deeper level!

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for August 19 – 24, 2024


The Lovers

Aries, love is on the horizon, and it takes multiple forms!

The Lovers is here to remind you of that fact, bringing in a vibe of divine connection, lightheartedness, and softness.

Even if you don’t connect with romantic love more this week, know that this is also a perfect time to practice self-love, spend time with friends, and cultivate the right spaces for future connections.

In other words, love is everywhere, and it’s not meant to be contained so easily.


The Star

Taurus, the continuous process of spiritual growth and expansion only… well, continues this week!

The Star brings in a palpably healing, creative, and prosperous force to your life.

This is an ideal time for spiritual practice, creative passions, and, in general, softly engaging with your intuitive needs and impulses — those will set you on the right track!

How will you use this sweet, healing energy to your advantage?


9 of Pentacles

Gemini, life is meant to be enjoyed too.

By this we mean… the 9 of Pentacles is asking you to take a close look at the rewards that may be available for you to reap.

You have been working hard for such a long time, and part of cultivating abundance is remembering to stop and enjoy what you’ve built too (even if you don’t feel fully “done” or “ready” just yet).

How will you treat yourself this week?


Page of Swords

It’s time for Cancer to speak what’s on their mind (loudly and proudly).

The Page of Swords brings a bright, witty, and adaptable vibe to your energy this week, emphasizing the humor, intellect, and curiosity that is housed within you.

Others are more likely to be receptive to what you have to say right now. And note that it’s also a good time to roll with instinct flexibly rather than sticking to strict codes or expectations!

Read this next: You Pulled the Page of Swords Card — Now What?


King of Wands

Leo, it’s time to step into your own power.

You may have been getting bogged down with all sorts of drama and baggage in recent weeks, but the King of Wands shows you finally putting your foot down.

You’re just embracing some of your best traits here — vibrant energy, a strong leadership presence, charisma, and powerful creativity.

Remember: it’s about being more of who you already are, Leo.


2 of Cups

Virgo, this week is all about love, the heart, and the connections that matter most.

For those in relationships, the 2 of Cups brings forward a more positive, emotionally attuned vibe to deepen existing connections.

If that isn’t you, this week is still about fortifying your relationships, whether with friends, coworkers, or family.

Basically, it’s important to get connected… with others and also with your heart.


The Hanged Man

Libra, sometimes we can all use a good pause.

The Hanged Man brings this to you whether you feel prepared to stop in your tracks or not.

There is something at hand that requires closer attention, a different perspective, or an extra opinion. This week, you’ll be stopped in your tracks until you get what you need.

At its best, this contemplation and reflection will be healthy for the future version of you, Libra!


6 of Cups

Scorpio is taking a walk through memory lane.

The 6 of Cups, the Tarot’s “nostalgia card,” is a reminder that memory can be a powerful tool for the present and future if used correctly.

Scorpios may be prone to stewing in their emotions more frequently than other signs, but as a result, one of your superpowers is knowing how to dissect everything that you possibly can from the past.

This week, you’re called to tap into that superpower in a healthy, constructive way.


The Devil

Sagittarius is still having moments of reckoning with old baggage and burdens.

The Devil hints that something undesirable still lurks in your surroundings… perhaps even in your mind or heart.

Something is knocking on your door asking to be released, but we’ve been there, and we get it — old habits and ways of thinking still feel familiar and are hard to let go of fully.

Still, this week is about honesty, true progress, and cleansing. It’s time to take steps forward.


7 of Swords

Capricorn, something fishy is stirring… and you won’t want to be a part of it.

The 7 of Swords warns that others around you may be holding less than positive intentions despite putting up a decent front to everyone else.

Steady and grounded at your core, you are known for a solid “rubbish radar” and should be able to take note of those who have less savory plans up their sleeves.

Disingenuity will not get them as far as it seems. Don’t get involved, but do stay vigilant.


Page of Wands

Aquarius, life is much brighter when you let yourself be excited about your true passions and inner spark.

The Page of Wands asks you to tap into your inner child’s deepest aspirations and dreams, to show up with full authenticity, and to be as vibrantly you as possible.

This is a card of whimsy and adventure, and you have everything it takes to embody it.

Now is the time! Don’t hold back.


Queen of Pentacles

Pisces, this week, abundance starts with you.

With the Queen of Pentacles up your sleeve, you may not have the most glamorous or exciting plans for the week ahead… but they are productive, long-term conscious, and grounded vibes nonetheless.

This week is less about winning the lotto and more about checking off items from an existing to-do list.

Remember: you are the force of stability, security, and productivity. It’s not something external you have to pull into yourself!

Your Guide to This Week’s Energy

Your Tarot card is only the start when it comes to getting ahead of weekly energy shifts.

We also recommend noting the card’s energy, especially in conjunction with the moment’s astrological changes.

For this week, we can set you off on the right foot with these resources tailored to the events ahead:

Have a burning question? Try: Free Yes/No Tarot Card Reading

About the Author

Picture of Lexi Hikari

Lexi Hikari

An honest Aries with a grounded Virgo Moon and Rising, Lexi Hikari picked up her first astrology book at age 12, and has loved the language of the stars ever since. She began her Tarot journey as a teenager when she was gifted her first deck by her mother and immediately fell in love with and connected quickly to the practice of card reading.Lexi founded Lightwands Tarot in 2016, and has delivered hundreds of Tarot readings, collected over a dozen decks, and crafted an abundance of Tarot card spreads since then. When she isn’t running her one-woman Tarot gig, she enjoys writing, reading, drinking too many cups of coffee, and exploring other forms of divination.You can also connect with Lexi on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.

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